posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 03:03 PM
This article sums up some of the motivations behind the bird flu media blitz:
Industrialized Greed Produces Pandemics
Disease springs out of the struggles of poverty. The profit motive obstructs any downward transfer of wealth in the form of subsidies for better
living conditions and for the free worldwide use of medical and pharmaceutical advances.
Expending the elite's wealth to subsidize disease
prevention and treatment generally is anti-capitalism, by ideological definition it is communism. Under capitalism the existence of disease is
perfectly acceptable if it is a source of profit for some, as only winners matter.
The existence of these new diseases is a reverberation from the natural world of the human obsession with capitalism; a sickness of the individual and
collective mind is reflected by Nature as disease, a consequence of our actions in conducting human affairs on this planet. Global Warming is another
such reverberation. The kernel of disease is the idea that our greed and our bigotry can be practiced in isolation, and that this justification
sanctifies the practice.
Behold the genius of the marketplace.
Take a lesson from Katrina: when there's no profit saving your buns, then it's usually too bad for you...c'est la vie.
Immunity can be compromised based on fears:
- You can't see yourself surviving without a vaccine/meds and have anxiety over it. Realistically you probably won't get a shot/meds due supply
factors in the wake of a severe pandemic.
-You have deluged yourself with fear and/or promoted fear based propaganda. Thrill kill cult syndrome, love of death and destruction.
- You let the media spin your lifestyle and end up poorer or more in debt as the result, which promotes more anxiety.
The usual outcomes for these fear factors are that you will usually be sicker, suffer anxiety related diseases/illnesses, or even die of a
disease/illness before normal life expectancy.
Medical and media industries operate on profit, not sincerity....and they don't give a crap about you, unless you have the funds.
Look around at those who fear sickness most, they usually reflect exactly what they fear and thus they are sick most of the time...catch 22.
[edit on 11-10-2005 by Regenmacher]