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Giant skeleton

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posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 10:54 AM
OMG if another one of these giants/colossus/unexplained large skeleton threads are posted and end up being just part of Sony's ploy I am so gonna.....send

Seriously though these have been explained to death check the thread 'Follow up to that thing found in the ice'


posted on Nov, 12 2005 @ 01:19 PM
To be fair the this thread was started a month ago

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 12:33 AM
What ever... I go to Ringling and I don't think that's CGI. It looks like a giant whale skeleton to me, a prank? How do you know? Perhaps they just covered it up on purpose. Maybe they really did find a giant creature there.
It's not CGI.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by KdogartIS

Uhm. Yes it is CGI. It's been a well known fact for almost two years. You'll find a reference to the viral marketing of the game in nearly any article about Shadow of the Colossus.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Jeremiah25

Your "Analyzing" post is hilarious!

You people, I swear....

I'll also save some unholy non-google user from further confusion
and "analysis" of a "Giant artifacts uncovered!" thread.

and ps- hasn't this been discussed here like 20 times??

[edit on 25-10-2007 by Murdoku]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Murdoku
and ps- hasn't this been discussed here like 20 times??

[edit on 25-10-2007 by Murdoku]

Actually, yes. And if you look closely you'll see that this thread was started over 2 years ago. This is the first and original discussion of the video...

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by Gemwolf

discussion of a CGI viral ad campaign? okay.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 10:15 AM
woot and it makes the rounds again. lol every couple of months these come back so im assuming the viral campaigner that they made work

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Krpano

The file has been removed. But - from your description - it sounds very much like the fake viral campaign by Sony Games a few years ago. The game was called 'Colossus' or something like that. One of the phoney videos was of a giant carcass/body discovered on a beach in India shortly after the big tsunami wave a few years back. There's also one of a giant creature being dug up in the Arctic by a Russian scientic team.

Very clever & imaginative - but, if it's the same stuff - very fake too


posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 08:36 AM
I'm guessing the photo is photoshoped. Here is another example of a photoshop image

[edit on 29-12-2007 by jfj123]

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 04:57 PM
Does anybody use the search function anymore? I am tired of repeating myself overrr and overrr again, seems like my last 500 posts have been only this.

Yes its okay to say, 'Yes but I wanted to know what the poeple here on ATS thought of it!' Well we've given our opinions on it, debunked it, about, uhh let's see here, 347,329 times to be precise.

And our opinions aren't necessarily going to be right. I'm not directing this to the OP, but in general. The threads that start out as 'What do you guys think this is?' What difference will it make what we think???? Think independently. Finding out by yourself will increase your knowledge, unless its a definite find, research what you post first. EVERYONE. Please.


posted on May, 31 2008 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Jeremiah25

There is nothing special about India...what about UFO citing, fake crop circles here? Grow up and shed your Hippocratic cocoon...It is human nature to get intrigued with mystery and in doing so some go over the line

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 06:46 PM

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