posted on Oct, 15 2002 @ 02:24 AM
In recent days, the Congressional Investigative Committee has held hearings on the subject of the intelligence failures related to the tracking of
9/11 hijackers Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar. However, as damning as those failures are, what's being reported is not the whole story. The story
of Alhazmi and Almihdhar is worth exploring in detail, because it consists of so many strange and contradictory components that when strung together,
demonstrate repeated cases of gross government incompetence at every turn. Why did the government not prevent them from entering the country despite
several opportunities? Why do neighbors claim the two men had frequent, brief limousine rides in the middle of the night? How can evidence of the two
being at two different places at once be explained? Why have visits by head hijacker Mohamed Atta been denied by all but their neighbors? Why have
many major newspapers suggested that Khalid Almihdhar may still be alive?
Here is the rest of the story: