posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 03:03 AM
In a world first , Aussie scientist Ian Frazer, has developed a vaccine for cervical cancer. The research on this is far anough advanced that the
vaccine could be on sale as early as next year.The vaccine works by giving immunity to the human pappiloma virus, or HPV, a leading cause of the
development of cervical cancer.
AN Australian scientist has developed the world's first cancer vaccine - a drug with the potential to save the lives of tens of thousands of women
each year by preventing cervical cancer.
The vaccine - based on work started 15 years ago by Ian Frazer, director of the Centre for Immunology and Cancer Research at the University of
Queensland - received a huge boost yesterday when researchers reported a 100 per cent success rate in final trials.
The results mean it could be on sale in Australia by the end of next year, after its developer, Melbourne drugmaker CSL, revealed the trial found it
gave recipients 100 per cent protection against two strains of human papillomavirus, or HPV.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
This is a fantastic find. At present, there is no cure for cervical cancer, only possible early detection through pap smears. A major medical
breakthrough can only help to save lives of many women around the world.
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[edit on 8-10-2005 by mulberryblueshimmer]
[edit on 10/15/05 by FredT]