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President Bush's plan shows that the U.S. is Not Ready For a Deadly Flu

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posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 11:05 PM
I was trying to put this as a news article but my server is on drugs or something tonight and it kept going thru before I was done -- I apologize to all the super mods, mods, and membership for that.

A top health official provided the plan to the New York Times asking for anonymity because the plan is not supposed to be distributed. The draft is stamped for internal H.H.S. use only and is dated 9/20/05.
NY Times

"The real shortcoming of the plan is that it doesn't say who's in charge," said a top health official who provided the plan to The New York Times. "We don't want to have a FEMA-like response, where it's not clear who's running what."

The official asked for anonymity because the plan is not supposed to be distributed. The draft provided to The Times is dated Sept. 30, and is stamped "for internal H.H.S. use only." The plan asks government officials to clear it by Oct. 6.

now that was all very interesting but here is a quote of what really caught my attention

And he said that the administration's plan is an essential starting point for planning for state and local officials.

"It will require school districts to have a plan on how they will deal with school opening and closing," he said. "It will require the mayor to have a plan on whether or not they're going to ask the theaters not to have a movie."

"Over the next couple of months you will see a great deal of activity asking metropolitan areas, 'Are you ready.' If not, here is what must be done," he said.

A key point of contention if an epidemic strikes is who will get vaccines first. The administration's plan suggests a triage scenario for these essential medicines. Groups like the military, national guard and other national security groups were left out.

Beyond the military, however, the first in line for essential medicines are workers in plants making the vaccines and drugs as well as medical personnel working directly with those sickened by the disease. Next are the elderly and severely ill. Then come pregnant women, transplant and AIDS patients, and parents of infants. Finally, police, firefighters and government leaders are next.

Now does that seem backwards to anyone but me -- wouldn't you want your essential people like Military, people who work in the plants making the vaccines, medical personel who work with the people who are sick,and the police dept and firefighters to get the vaccine so they can continue to do their jobs during the epidemic?

I don't know why but this really jumped out at me.

ok my server is still messing up I tried editing this for some spelling errors and when I hit send I lose ATS completely -- pulling my hair out here.....

[edit on 7-10-2005 by justme1640]

[edit on 7-10-2005 by justme1640]

posted on Oct, 7 2005 @ 11:10 PM
This country doesnt appear to be ready for anything at all let alone the deadly flu.

Side note:* The levees are being rebuilt and they will only be able to withstand a category 3 hurricane again.*

What does this tell you?

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by justme1640
Now does that seem backwards to anyone but me -- wouldn't you want your essential people like Military, people who work in the plants making the vaccines, medical personel who work with the people who are sick,and the police dept and firefighters to get the vaccine so they can continue to do their jobs during the epidemic?

I was wondering the same thing ...

Maybe the virus is actually sort of a hype, and maybe the medicine just makes the effects of the virus worse, powers it up, or something? Some sort of population control? Getting rid of the "rubbish" (as THEY might like to call them) ?
Or then vice versa, maybe get rid of the "stronger" opposition (of the NWO), the young and otherwise healthy people, by giving the medicine to the people who are possibly going to die soon anyway. That might seem a bit harsh from my side, but if I was 70-80 years old or infected with AIDS, I'd rather give my doses of medicine to someone else who has a better chance to have a future than me.

I don't know ... otherwise that plan doesn't make much sense


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