posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 03:37 PM
Leader-GWB, Hitler wasn't on the list so went with GWB
Leader- Nelson-Not evil, but a leader
Leader-Bill CLinton-Someone to appease the UN
Thniker-Karl Rove, Satan wasn't on the list so went with the next evil one
Economist- William Gates, aka Richest man in the world
Extra- Donald Rummy, evil, willing to invade people for money
Extra-Tiger Woods, appeals to the black community
Extra-Orack Obama, same thing
Extra-Steven Speilberg, to direct the political commercials
Extra-Hilary Clinton, appeal to women, or butches, or men, whatever Billary is
Extra-Pele, appeals to the Hispanic community and since this is world election wanted someone from a World Sport
I think that is a good line up, got people who appeal to everyone or to certain races, I have the evil ones that will do anything to win, I have the
CLintons who in a tag team match are unstoppable, and Bill Gates to get rid of the economical problems.