posted on Oct, 4 2005 @ 04:04 PM
Great to get that first-hand experience.
I had an uncle who worked there and had something? fall on his foot and he was crippled for life.
Being a child, and nosy, I asked him all kinds of questions about what they did there, etc. and he would never tell me ANYTHING.
As a child, we lived in Huntsville for a short while, and I swear I remember being taken there and experimented on..I was only about 4 years old and
have been hypnotized, but seems from ages 3-4 I have no recall.
I found it interesting as an adult to be discussing this with a scientist from there, and finally getting some grains of truth.
He has shared much with me, but for my best life, I dare not publicize.
Tell me more about the Huntsville lights, if you have anything to add.
You know, the entire US 'thinks' Alabama is the armpit of the US, I beg to differ, there is MORE $$ and power there that is secreted..the people of
Bama like it that way.
[edit on 4-10-2005 by siriuslyone]
mod edit. There is no need to quote the post immediately preceding yours.
[edit on 5-10-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]