posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 08:42 PM
Astonomers, who earlier discovered a possible 10th planet orbiting beyond pluto now think that they have discovered a moon orbiting the planet as
While observing the new, so-called planet from Hawaii last month, a team of astronomers led by Michael Brown of the California Institute of
Technology spotted a faint object trailing next to it. Because it was moving, astronomers ruled it was a moon and not a background star, which is
The moon discovery is important because it can help scientists determine the new planet's mass. In July, Brown announced the discovery of an icy,
rocky object larger than Pluto in the Kuiper Belt, a disc of icy bodies beyond Neptune. Brown labeled the object a planet and nicknamed it Xena after
the lead character in the former TV series Xena: Warrior Princess. The moon was nicknamed Gabrielle, after Xena's faithful traveling sidekick.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
If this is true we are getting better at discovering these new worlds. Hopefully in the near future we will be able to get photos and possibly send
probes there!
[edit on 1-10-2005 by Whompa1]
[edit on 1-10-2005 by Whompa1]
[edit on 10-10-2005 by asala]