posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 03:54 PM
Howdy ladys and gents.......
Things in oregon are Boaring.... last weekend all I did was sweep the frount porch and went partying in the hills...yeah nothing like 150 drunkN hicks
to spice things up a bit....I'm sorta new so what do you guys do around your homestead for fun? Oh, I've gotta ask anyone interested in rodeo's? I
go to them all over the state to watch.......A friend of mine named zach rides in them, him and I where talking I said "Ya know I bet ya I could ride
better than you" it was ment to be a perverted induwindo but he took me seriously and wants me to ride. he even said he'd pay my entree fee. If I
ride for at least 8 seconds then I get $1,000. but I'm so afride theres gotta be a reason There arn't many female bull riders Is there any I have
no clue..... what should I do? Oh, by the way heres a little joke .........why don't cow boys enjoy sex? Cuz they think 8 seconds is a long