posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 03:46 PM
hello again,
i`ve been looking through some posts, and my fear, as well as my thirst for answers has been magnified already...
my main interests as of this moment are finding a job with benefits,
i`ve always enjoyed fishing, decriminalizing marijuana(so i can grow it)
frisbee golf...
anyone play counterstrike??
video games in general
a dear newly born nephew of mine...
and last but not least i could really use a girlfriend!!
i found this site by complete accident,
2 nights ago i had an idea for a t-shirt slogan wich involves a political statement about money and our government!
after downloading a currency font i searched for the image of the seal on the one dollar bill...
i stumbled onto sites talking about the subliminal occult messages associated with the seals, leading me to look up freemasonry and ultimately
bringing me here...I knew right away i had to register and get in on the action!!
as the only forums i`ve contributed to before involved gaming.
ok well possibly i`m going to go lay down now and visit reality (sleep)....c you all around later peace