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Egyptions and Aztecs. Is there a link?

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posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by BlackThought
Wow I am amazed at the discounting of evidence of tobacco in mummies in Egypt.

That's because the mummies were unwrapped and pawed over at parties back in the 1700s-1800s. Those particular mummies from Germany came from the collection of a noble, who used to bring them out to show the guests. a time when tobacco was very common in European drawing rooms.

In the ones that haven't been treated to public display, there's no evidence of tobacco or coc aine.

The statues of Central American artist found in tombs in Egypt.

Not trying to pick on you, here, but I"m pretty familiar with the art of both cultures and can't think of a single example of this. Would you provide a link or an example for me?

The evidence of many many likeness of the statues of the indigenous population while looking at the hairstyles and helmets of the giant heads that can be traced to the modern country of Ghana and Stories of the voyage.

Er... no. The Olmec "helmets" looked like jaguar faces. Their hairstyle was the rather familiar "bowl cut" used by cultures around the world (because it's easy to cut hair that way. And the folk of Ghana didn't use helmets.

Bambara werewolf cult whose head is known as amantigi (heads of faith) appeared in Mexican rituals as amanteca. The ceremonies accompanying these rituals are too identical to have been independently evolved among peoples who have had no previous encounter. Talking devil is called Hore in Mandigo, and Haure in Carib. In the American language of Nahuatl a waistcloth is called maxtli, in Malinke it's masiti. The female loincloth is nagua in Mexico, it is nagba in Mande.

Oh dear. Some of that, you know, derives from a time when African slaves were brought into the Caribbean. As to word coincidences, one word does not mean there's a connection. Several words that "sound alike" don't mean a connection. What it takes to make the connection is thousands of words that have the same derived root words and sentence structures that are pretty similar.

It's kind of like saying that "bratwurst" means they make sausages out of the worst human brats they can find. When a site points to 5 or 10 words and says "these sound similar to these in this other language" then your Flag O Suspicion should rise! (For an example of languages that ARE connected, look at Portugese and Spanish and Latin. You'll see that there's not just a handfull of words that make them connected.)

The Griots - traditional historians and masters of orature - 'Oral Literature' in Mali, have stories about their King, Abubakari the second, grandson of Sundiata, the founder of the Mali Empire (larger than the Holy Roman Empire), who set out on a great expedition of large boats in 1311. None of the boats returned to Mali, but curiously around this time evidence of contact between West Africans and Mexicans appear in strata in America in an overwhelming combination of artifacts and cultural parallels.

Gotta dispute this one. This would have been only 150 years before the first European contact with that area, and that would have been at the height of the Aztec empire. There was no sudden change in their art or culture at that time that shows contact with any Old World culture.

There ARE some apologists who would like this to be true, but if you look at what's going on, you will see that they're selecting evidence and trying to ignore or hide other evidence.

Banana, yam, beans and gourd are Old World plants that predates Columbus in the Americas.

Here, you need to look at the biological names. Wild gourds grow worldwide, and the ones in the Americas are different than the ones in Europe and Africa and Asia. Ditto beans (there's a HUGE number of things we call "beans."

I think, if you will check (as I did) that you will find the banana was a fairly recently introduced plant to the Americas.

As to the yam, well, you can see from here, the "sweet potato" and "yam" are actually several different species (there are LOTS of different species) and the ones in the Americas aren't even the same genus as the African ones:

(not picking on you... but you had such a nice post that yours was the best one that summarized the points and so it was easy to answer these issues.)

[edit on 24-3-2006 by Byrd]

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by I_AM_that_I_AM
Instead of assuming the various things that people have put forth in this thread (like aliens or that man was around before he evolved) why not just assume that they sailed across the atlantic?
We know that it's possible for the society that did so to fall and lose most/all records of it.
(China did)
So why not suggest that instead of an much more impluasible one.

Alright, im gonna go with this. We know for a fact that there once was a land bridge between current Alaska and Russia. That is how humanity spread to the america's in the first place. It is possible that all this technology has spread from that point of origin. But that wouldn't explain why there are not pyramids all over the americas. There are mummies though. Mummification has been found over most of the america's and this was first significantly noted in Egypt. Again, there is a connection. But this on is wide spread. Why?

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 09:49 AM
Egyptian mummification is completely different from any other cultures form and method of mummificiation. The ancient Chinese used to have some bizzare methods of mummification also. Many american mummies are just 'happenstance', they get mummified because they happened to be buried in salty sediment or frigid caves, etc.

In a way, this is much like the pyramid idea. There are pyramids all over the world. In the most general sense, yes, they're all pyramids, but in detail, they're very different and clearly it wasn't a case of one source spreading the idea.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by SportyMB

i agree with the alien theory it doesnt make sense that humans are descendance of apes if that was the case then why dont apes show that they know how to build structures and act more human like

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 05:29 AM

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by ketoes13

From what I was taught, Native American's came across the bering strait. From there moved South into South America. So I guess the Aztec's came from us?

then, we discussed how it seemed the aztecs seemed so much more advanced than the native Americans even though the Native Americans had about 500 years more.

Woah, woah. What are you trying to say here?

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 03:59 AM
there are links they both had pyramids they both used gold & they both used light and water to measure time and if you dig deeper into history u will find more

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