If women are after money, how come a certain young archaeologist I once knew was at the eye of the storm of campus social life at a certain major
southern university. Was he a business major? No---he was an
adventure major. Drives the babes wild, dude.
And yes, the whole intelligence thing. I spent a lot more time in the cafes than I ever did in the classroom, getting my degree. I could make a
little extra money hustling chess games, and women didn't seem to think I was a geek or anything. Far from it.
The real "gift" is to show someone (anyone) that you put effort into thinking about them
even when you're not in their presence. You're
probably the kind of guy who goes and buys his mom a store-bought halmark card and mails it, and says "whew! that took care of mother's day."
Women (heck, all humans) just want to know they are worth the effort. My joke with frau Dr. is that while she appreciates it when I buy her flowers,
she would prefer that I had to get beaten up for them! In other words, what matters is that I went to some trouble.
You know, one of the best dates we ever had was not the $60 tickets to James Gallway playing with the Dallas Symphony, (although that's one of the
top 10.) It wasn't $150 that I dropped at our favorite Italian restaurant on Valentines Day. And it wasn't the sapphire ring I bought for her
"naked hand" on our first anniversary.
It was the first couple of weeks after we met, when I picked her up after a seminar and took her to her favorite chinese restaurant. I think it cost
me like $15 bucks. On the drive back to campus, I discovered that I just "happened" to have a loaf of stale bread in my car, and since we're
driving past the oriental gardens, why don't we skip class go by the pond, and just go feed the ducks? . . . . It was so intensely romantic that we
were lucky to avoid getting arrested! She still jokes about "scaring the ducks" that afternoon. What did that cost me? $15 bucks, for an
afternoon in heaven, and the conviction that I had found Miss right?
Back when I was single, I was famous being surrounded with female friends and hangers on. Does that sound gay to you? If it does, don't ask me what
I think of a fella who can't carry on 2 minutes of conversation with a woman before she's convinced he's some kind of axe-murderer.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.