posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 11:58 PM
You guys want to have some fun? It requires teams of 3.. we're going to test precognizance, and clairvoyance. The way it works is you are asked a
question on the board, randomly, and you try to get it right. You post your answer in the forum, and the questioners answer is u2u'd to the third
person. The answer will be revealed only after it is posted.,by the person it was u2u'd to. With the amount of combined talent on this board this
should make a very interesting game. They are completely cold readings, so you dont have to worry about reading someones face as you guess their
answer. But it's just a cool activity for those of us who can't sleep right now. And remember, these are to test perception, you should try to
answer as quickly as possible, and no you can't boolean search, that wouldbe cheating.
Questions, that can't really be answered from browsing search are things like what color shoes am I wearing?
What color am I thinking about right now.
Ya know, things that you can't discern from reading a post.
[edit on 9/27/2005 by denial28]
[edit on 27-9-2005 by sanctum]