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Germans lapping up 9/11 conspiracy theories

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posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 06:20 PM
Munich, Germany - Conspiracy theories on the September 11 attacks are gaining ground in Germany two years on, with books claiming that the United States government was behind the atrocities climbing bestseller lists.

Thanks to a handful of new "non-fiction" works in bookstores, wild accusations have gradually become part of public debate amid a sizeable minority in Germany, home to the so-called Hamburg cell that in 2001 produced three of the suicide hijackers.

Interesting article and interesting theories on why it's so popular.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 06:26 PM
I was in Germany a few weeks ago and that national paper they have (the neme of which evades me) had an extended atricle by a German who claimed to have proved it was an inside job.

btw, I flew from hamburg to London and I had a large, sharp metal stake in my bag. The security was so crap that after the xray, they didn't open the bag, he simply told me it could not be hand luggage and I should put it in the suitcase before getting on the plane They didn't check or watch me do this. Entering the UK, I saw no customs people at all. One bored lady in the passport booth waving people through. This is the airport the hijackers used to leave germany, you'd think the security would be a bit tighter.

[Edited on 9-9-2003 by Zzub]

[Edited on 9-9-2003 by Zzub]

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 06:44 PM
Dude, i got detained for 4 hours in UK customs when i flew into heathrow this summer, detained and asked a bunch of stupid personal questions. Dunno why the # they singled me out, all i had on my person was a pack of smokes and my reading glasses. I had one duffle bag that had clothing in it. #ing pricks.

It has always been said, germans are pretty smart. Seems everyone in the world realizes that 9/11 was a big bull# operation with heavy involvement from the US and allied govornments. Too bad Americans cant be that smart and lap up the obvious. Then again, they havent had any exposure to the truth, just the drivel and garbage from CNN and Fox news channel.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 06:47 PM
Or perhaps some Germans ARENT that smart and instead are just gullible.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 07:56 PM

Or perhaps some Germans ARENT that smart and instead are just gullible.

As oppsoed to most Americans being blind and guillable?

Nah, Germans are pretty smart. The Americans are simply fools for trusting thier govornment.

Trust in ones govornment is the first step to lobotomization and slavery. Every govornment should be held suspect, I dont care how benevolent it claims to be. Trust no one who wishes to wield power over you.

The germans arent the only ones lapping up the 9/11 conspiracy theories. The whole world for that matter, from Europe, to asia, to south America have discovered it to be alot more sensical that the pure flow of # that the US gov and media bite.

The only ones not bright enough to grasp the massive flaws in the offical spin are those who were victimized by it: Americans. Perhaps its not a matter of stupidity on thier part, they just forgot a very important rule: never trust your govornment. Especially when they want to do something for "your own good".

Time will tell the intelligence level of the America public. Once they start getting more and more facts about the wicked nature of the govornment, will they continue to trust and believe?

If the truth were to be made public, and people still looked the other way, then we have gone beyond guillibility into the realm of fatal stupdity and thus, anything that happens to us from annihilation to police state, we deserve.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 01:32 AM
In Europe, a critical thought is seen as a part of everyday life. To opose the mainstream, and specialy the ruling party, is very much wanted as a foundation of society. What Europe lacks and US has is that "united we stand" no matter in what kind of sh*t. While in US such book would never be openly advertized, and the author would be acused of being not patriotic ( " we need to stand together united in these hard times" as Bush has said on many ocasions), in Europe nobody gives a damn. The book is simply seen as another point of view. This goes not only for 9/11, you should see all the books that come out after the elections, looking for dirt in current ruling party ( elections is european countries, mind you).

But there is one thing europeans have incommon with americans... about 80-90% of the people dont give a sh*t, they dont care whats going on as long as there is a new season of Making the Band.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 02:41 AM
speaking out of Germany you guys are absolutely right. Almost everyone I talk to thinks that the gov had a hand to some degree with 9/11. The press is all over it here to no end discussing it. It's quite enthrawling. I think Jimcrispi can agree with me on this on. while I'm glad that people are starting to wake up, I'm saddened that it's not the Americans that are doing it.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 03:07 AM
Yep!! Thats a go on that statement. I discuss this everyday. Germans arent dumb, nor are they gullible. Look at it like this, just because the Germans didnt stand with us on the Iraq thing does not mean that they either hate us or hold us in contempt, could be that they are better friends than you think. I will say this, when 9/11 happened I never had such an outpouring of friendship and support as I had from the Germans, I had a few old work friends that were at the Pentagon then, I was almost in tears as one of them was an ex girlfriend. Dont sell the Europeans to short, there protests might be cry's of friendship!!

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 04:55 PM
I agree with Grommer.
Only one week after the attacks, my Father said that the American Government has their fingers in it and we all laughed at him. But now, every one I talk to, says the same! The people in Germany are surely waking up, but I think that this process is being heavily surpressed in the USA.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 01:08 PM

Dude, i got detained for 4 hours in UK customs when i flew into heathrow this summer, detained and asked a bunch of stupid personal questions.

When I flew into Newark aiport recently, for absoloutely no reason I got a complete search involing a search of my shoes, My hang luggage, and me emptying out all my stuff from my pockets etc.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 01:10 PM
that's cause they're so used to killing jews.

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 12:08 AM
Fury Please dont misunderstand me, I think you ment that comment as a joke, however, Germans are Hyper Sensitive to such a statement, I ask you, most kindly, to please apologize for that comment. Let me explain something to you, 6 million Jews is a figure that the allies came up with after WW2, I am not saying that the Holocaust didnt happen, what I am saying is the figures are grossly inflated. If we want to talk about Genocide lets talk about the top ten, Nummero Uno is the Soviet Union and Uncle Joe. Directly after WW2 when the UdSSR was expanding the one country that gave him the most resistance was the Ukraine, Stalin sealed the borders and let NOTHING or NO ONE in or out. As this was directly after WW2 there was a severe shortage of manpower, especially in the East. The result was that over 49 million Ukrainians died of hunger, I know this as a fact because I employ Ukranians, and while I am sort of a military historian I was interested in such things. and did an extreme amount of research in this area. Even my own beloved country the USA is in the top ten of the Genocide club, 10 Million indians. The Jewish holocaust is a very touchy subject in Germany, to this day generations that have had nothing to do with this have suffered the guilt of the deeds of their grandfathers, pretty big cross to bear. So I ask that in future you please refrain from such comments. There are so many countries that have practiced genocide, but it seems as if only Germany is held accountable, so please understand where I am coming from.

[Edited on 13-9-2003 by Jimcrispi]

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 01:20 AM
jim's absolutely right Fury...I know that it was intended as a joke, but as we would say here...we're a bit uber sensitiv about it..

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