posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 12:30 PM
Ok if you'ld actually read.
A. they just began presenting it to investors, april 2005, so obviously we're not all driving around with air-car engines
B. That is the prototype model design.
ALSO: the focus should be on the ENGINE not the car, it is the investors job (I.E: an actual car company like Ford, or Chrysler) to modify the look of
the car, since that company spent 12 years developing the ENGINE.
C. It hasnt been bought. The investors are obviously, like with anything as outlandish as this, testing it vigorously. Testing the input-outputs,
efficiency, etc etc. An air powered car will need testing, A LOT
And FOR GOD SAKE, you americans are so in love with yourselves "yall am proud t'be an american, best country in the world YEEEEHAAWWW", and "aww
am not sure that car's american enough for me."
Not american enough!? you do realise that unless we use cars like this, your precious american way will be no more.
[edit on 26-9-2005 by Shadow88]