posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 05:42 AM
Well if you let him get in falsely last time why wouldn't he get the results made up again? He's probably thinking "Those idiot wont even try and
stop me" although to be fair, with so much talk about this so they'll have to watch their movements.
The pollsters have recently been forced to admit that the majority of Americans are against the re-election of George Bush. Two wars, thousands of
dead human beings, and nine million lost jobs later and people are beginning to realize that something is very wrong. In spite of this gradual
awakening most registered voters continue to depend on TV for their news and they are kept woefully in the dark about issues like election reform and
touch screen voting. The media has gone to great lengths to foster an illusion of legitimacy and normalcy surrounding the electoral process. People
have been intentionally lead to believe that their vote counts and Bush could actually be booted out of office on Election Day. No way is Bush going
to lose, it just can�t happen. The 2004 election has already been rigged. The corporations and the military industrial complex have bought them selves
a government and they aren�t going to let some silly little presidential election jeopardize their investment.
On February 23, 2001 Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris suggested that Florida rent rather than buy touch screen voting machines in time for
the 2002 midterm election. She said, "I think it would be wrong-headed and precipitous to purchase any equipment now. If you buy now, you're buying
antiquated technology". According to her twisted logic, it was acceptable to use faulty voting systems in the election, it just wasn't a good idea
to purchase them.