posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 11:57 AM
The media conspiracy kept the track on Houston and Galveston. It is big "news" to evacuate a major city. Now that the track is now headed toward
Louisiana, many Houstonians are realizing that they needlessly evacuated and some are stranded with no gas on the interstate.
Evacuating Beaumont, TX or Lake Charles, LA is not going to get the ratings like Houston or Galveston.
I knew it wasn't going to Houston, and was puzzled on why they kept the storm track there for so long. Now I know it was just for TV ratings.
BTW I am on the east side of Rita about 50 miles east of Lake Charles. So this might be my last post before I lose power.
Right now I'm just sitting back waiting to get slammed.
The hurricane news coverage on all levels have failed.