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Pravda: Black Hole jet emission incoming

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posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 07:23 PM

It's obvious that you want this to be true, and that desire is clouding your perception. You're completely disregarding the facts here to hold on to a ridiculous story.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Zion Mainframe
[quote/ ]"the article says Chandra detected the cloud, / Chandra detects X-rays," [ /quote]

I'm NOT using the Weekly World News version of the story here, only PRAVDA, which NEVER mentioned Chandra involved. I didn't even read the Weekly World News version because it's not my source of reference, so I exclude ANY statements based on it. [ /b]

[quote/]"So that radiation can never hit our planet, since the stream of particles moves away from the disc, not into it." by Zion Mainframe]

You're ASSUMING that's it's a normal jet emission, rather than caused by a collision in the cluster of black holes in the core. Pravda states they don't know what caused this emission. [ /b]

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by James J Dierbeck
I believe what the Bible says about the fate of earth.

And thus endith all rational debate.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 08:41 PM
Maybe you can explain to us how an X-RAY telescope was capable of seeing an asteroid dissolved from this cloud NINE LIGHT-YEARS away, when the HUBBLE couldn't even get a clear shot of an asteroid in our own solar system.

And the Jet Blue story was basically right in that they got the fact that it was an Airbus, and it landed in LA. *snort*

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Maybe you can explain to us how an X-RAY telescope was capable of seeing an asteroid dissolved from this cloud NINE LIGHT-YEARS away, when the HUBBLE couldn't even get a clear shot of an asteroid in our own solar system"

That info is irrelevant to the Pravda article, which mentions none of what you think I automatically include as evidence. Y'all dragged the Weekly World News info in, not me or Pravda! I never claimed anything like that to be true, neither did Pravda, my source.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by BitRaiser

Originally posted by James J Dierbeck
I believe what the Bible says about the fate of earth.

And thus endith all rational debate.

What you said.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 01:01 AM
Tactics of disinformation are accessable by investigating the methods of Cointelpro discreditors of those the gov wants silenced. It's FBI methods.

I'd think Weekly World News broke the story first to predebunk the russian astrophysicist who is true. Slip in rediculous false facts
and voila!, damage control on a release of facts, Weekly World News did not base their story on Pravda, which was posted 9-20-05, not before.

Pravda did speak of what could happen like "water when it hits ink", that is debatable, but it's speculation exactly what it will do, with no precident for study of the material ejected from black hole events.

It's not a normal black hole jet emission, surely, I agree. That doesn't mean it isn't coming. A CLUSTER of black holes in the core of our galaxy is bound to collide sometime, one by one.

I'm surprised we even got wind of it. Must be a wrong estimated time of arrival year told.

Who can post exactly what this scenario IF true would do to the earth? Never been a study on it that I know of. What 2 Peter 3:10-12 predicts is my bet. What the Bible predicts for the effects of a major meteoric hail & impact event are scientifically accurate. Apparently, black holes are predicted in Isaiah 34:4 clearly; nothing else fits perfect to explain a graavitational force in the sky pulling in ALL the multitude of the objects in the sky. Also Rev 6:14 also speaks of "the heaven DEPARTED as a scroll when it is rolled together".

The new physics says the interdimensional stuff in the Bible is possible. Professor Michiu Kaku was top of his class before becoming professor.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 04:19 AM
To Readers: I did mention something about the end of any rational debate, didn't I?

To J Dierbeck: We need a little understanding here, I think...

Originally posted by James J Dierbeck
Pravda info ONLY admissable as evidence to me.

This is quite possibly the most retarded thing I've seen posted on these forums todate.

Sorry, I've been thinking about how to respond in a less brutal manor, but let's just cut the crap, shall we?

Quoting scripture, rejecting evidance, and showing no interest in actual knowlage are the halmarks of the fanatic.

It is nobody's job to convince you that you're wrong. It's your task to prove that you and/or this theory should be taken seriously.

You are doing a very poor job so far.

Show us some kind of factual evidance that supports your one and only claim, then maybe we'll have something to talk about.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by BitRaiser

"Quoting scripture, rejecting evidance, and showing no interest in actual knowlage are the halmarks of the fanatic."

"That "evidence" is regarding info I NEVER endorsed or submitted as evidence to be attacked. The original post stated I reject WWN as a source myself, but similarities are there.

Pravda was, maybe still is state run media in Russia, not some tabloid. None have proved to me that the cluster of black holes at the galaxy core cannot collide to cause this. None have disproved the existence of Russian Dr Shervinsky (WWN spelled his name Sherwinsky instead, not Pravda).

Pravda does not claim anything about Chandra or other satellites. The Pravda article is short. None have proved there is not a burst of some sort headed this way. Not much info to debunk with the Pravda article, which stated they don't know why the emission originated in this direction. Collision is inevitable at the galaxy core, occasionally.

Calling me retarded for posting state run media oldie Pravda as a news source is retarded. Debunk what Pravda said. WWN is deliberate disinfo, I know that.

Prove that black hole clusters cannot have collisions, then I'll surrender that it's impossible for Pravda to be relatively true, though I think the ETA is probably a lie to prevent panic beforehand.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 06:57 AM
Beginning with a giant star collapsing on itself or the collision of two neutron stars, waves of radiation and subatomic particles are propelled outward from the nascent black hole and collide with one another, releasing the gamma radiation. Also released is longer-lasting electromagnetic radiation in the form of X rays, radio waves, and visible wavelengths that can be used to pinpoint the location of the disturbance.

But that's what one group of physicists is doing, numerically speaking. The goal of this bit of mathematical mutilation is to understand the dynamics of black hole collisions and the gravitational waves that such events create. The mathematics that describe black hole interactions is so complex that no one is completely sure what the resulting gravitational waves will look like.

When they do, their collisional shudder will ripple through the cosmos in the form of gravity waves, a phenomenon predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity.

Unless someone is up close to the collision, it won't rattle any dishes. Astronomers calculate than when the Andromeda galaxy collides with our own galaxy in about 4 billion years, the galaxies' black holes will merge. As seen from Earth, the center of the Milky Way, currently obscured by dust, will glow as brightly as the full moon. Gravity waves from the collision would be expected to shift the Earth a few centimeters from its pre-collision orbit, Hasinger notes.

When black holes collied you get GRAVITY WAVES not some giant planet eating cloud.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 07:05 AM

"Black Holes Can Create Stars Too"

my thought; perhaps the generally known knowledge found in this article, was a cause
or starter of the 'theory' presented in the Pravda article ??

excerpt: ...Keck & Hubble telescopes (among other instruments)...the 'Minkowski's Object', NCG 541, clusters formed when a radio jet - - emitted from a BH, collided with dense gas.

The above article links/ has connection with this next article...

"Swarm Of Black Holes In The Milky Way"

my thought: as these BH migrate ('dynamical friction') toward the Galactic center...
any gas-jets/radio-jets/x-ray or gamma-ray jets these BH emit

would not necessarily be oriented in the same perpendicular-to-Galactic-plane was shown in the 2 illustrations as part of a reply.

ergo, a wandering BH, could theoretically be a 'chaos' factor, as
it emits a 'death ray' type of polar jet, as the BH travels between solar systems within the Galaxy...
and its 2 light-year long jets both interact with the molecular clouds it
passes or the biologically active planets it may happen to 'shine-on',...

i couldn't find 'wandering BH' or the 'Neuton_star_explosion' articles which i wanted to locate for links....but here's the Archives;


Superwave =

PS...the bbc has a whole bunch of stuff related to this thread

happy day,

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58

"When black holes collied you get GRAVITY WAVES not some giant planet eating cloud.

Normal type BH jet emissions show INTENSE pressures within can occasionally escape. In a collision, it aint the gravity waves I'm talking about, but the same material as a normal BH emission would eject opposite the spiral galaxy plane ESCAPING AS NORMAL EJECTA the BH in our direction instead. The composition of the ejecta & effects on earth are hard to say. I don't know anything about heat signatures of the "cloud".

I'm not disputing the gravity wave part, but normal BH ejecta spews far farther than galaxies are in diameter, showing huge thrust, when matter CAN escape a BH. has daily science updates I get.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by St Udio

"Swarm Of Black Holes In The Milky Way"
"...but here's the Archives; "

Handy! The incident of the magnetar gamma rays last Christmas are worth considering, what else can happen? Your contribution is a big help to this embattled position of mine.


Superwave =
"PS...the bbc has a whole bunch of stuff related to this thread"

That site confirms the possibility. Big pressures behind BH ejectas. Feel free to boost this thread with more great sites like that!

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