I just want to say that I'm very happy to see that there still exist people on ATS with the capability to think critically and objectively, instead
of mechanically and/or emotionally with many assumptions and prejudices. I know this is unrelated to the topic, but I just wanted to express my
pleasant surprise at the quality of analysis and thought in this thread, instead of just bickering, flaming, arguing, assumptions, subjective
judgements, etc. I hope more threads on ATS are handled in a similar fashion, and as a result, what is in my opinion currently a very low "level" of
discussion and understanding on this board could be dramatically raised. And I'm not speaking necessarily from the perspective that I am somehow on a
"higher" level, however, I do find that much content on ATS is NOT handled anywhere close to the way this thread is so far handled, and as a result
there is much "noise" and very little "signal" on this board. Most threads are full of assumptions, judgements, beliefs, subjective and vague
statements, arguments, etc. At least that is my impression, and it is rather discouraging.
Anyways, just to add my 2 cents to the topic...
I also think that this is of human origin, and the "errors" in the text that are attributed to an alien seem inconsistent with the types of errors
that I think an alien could make, and more consistent with an entirely human perspective that is attempting to act as if it is an alien, as has
already been mentioned with examples given on page one. Of course I cannot say with any certainty, but it just doesn't add up logically in my mind
that this is alien.
However, the possibility does exist that it is alien, and hypothetically considering the possibility that the source may be what it claims to be, I
also agree with the conclusion that the "alien" has no interest in our free will, is attempting to convince us and make us believe what he wants us
to think, and as such attempts to control our thoughts and understandings. In other words, it's just another one of many messages that claim to be
from an alien source that basically say "whatever we do is for your own good, period. So just accept it." And as a result I can be certain that it
is NOT for our own good, simply because the source reveals its own nature with its own message. That nature is one that imposes its will and
perspective on others, and attempts to decide what others need and do not need without offering them a choice, and judges what is "good" for someone
else, which no one can truly do for anyone but themselves. So based on that I can draw a conclusion that this source does not actually care whether
what it does is "for our good" or not, instead, it simply decides what is for our own good and wants us to believe it and go along with it, without
caring what our perspective or wishes may be.
Good is subjective of course, and sadly many people do enjoy having no choice and having all the difficult and/or complicated decisions made for them
by someone else, some authority figure. In that light, it is not hard to see why the New Age community so readily accepts its channeled messages
(claiming to be from aliens, or some spirts, or God himself) at face value, many of which are extremely similar to this message in tone and general
predisposition to humanity. But what is overlooked in the process, is that anyone that tries to decide what someone else "needs" is ALREADY not
acting in the best interests of that other individual, and depriving them of free will, and as a result, attempting to control them.
In the same manner, the government of US also says that whatever they do is for "national security" to protect the people of US, whether there
really is a threat or not. However, do they care to provide evidence of their claims? What if they are responsible, can we possibly expect them to
admit it? Surely not! So why does our government not even consider the possibility that elements within our government agencies could possibly be
responsible for this? Surely they are aware that historically this has more often than not been the case, which is how governments tend to control the
population and get its way - through lies, false promises, and fear. So given such a poor history of our governments in the past, how can the
government expect us to blindly assume that THIS TIME the government truly cares for us, and that THIS TIME we can just make the assumption that they
cannot possibly have anything to do with an attack on its own people in order to further their greedy agenda? Oh no, not "our" government, only
"other" evil governments do that.... *eyeroll*
The way things work in the Mafia, for example, is that if someone kills someone else, the killer himself is usually NOT who you "go after", but who
hired and paid the killer, who is responsible at the ROOT of this killing, not who the patsy was or who did the killing. So while we chase around
after "Bin Laden", or "Al-Qaeda", it seems equivalent to assuming that this is where it "ends", that it cannot possibly in any way be connected
to elements of our own government or other governments, and so no one of any US agencies or governments can possibly be in any way responsible, that
Al Qaeda is completely an independent entity. This is a huge assumption, and it is of course gladly promoted by the government itself - of courese if
it was innocent it would promote this assumption, but also if it was guilty it would promote it just the same. So it is really upto the people to
investigate this and find the answers, not upto the government to tell us the answers and expect us to buy it. Logically the government seems the LAST
place to go for answers with something that could potentially incriminate the very government that is supposed to tell us who the culprit is. Does it
make sense to judge a murder by asking a suspect whether he did it or not, and if he says no, we just move on? Unless of course we assume that the
person we ask is NOT in any way "suspect" of any wrongdoing, and so we can rest assured that whatever they tell us must be the truth. This seems
extremely naive and ignorant, given the very nature of those in power, and the history of our own country and humanity in general.
But going back to the topic at hand, I bring this up only to make the point that it is the exact same dynamic with our "alien" friend. By
"protecting us" he wants us to assume that there is a threat, and that HE is not IT. Also he wants us to assume that without his protection we're
in trouble or in danger, that we NEED him and can't make it without him. He also wants us to assume that he's not the "bad guy" himself, because
how could he be, he's protecting us from the "bad guys", right? Anyone who so readily seeks to convince someone else of something without any
evidence, is not interested in truth or in providing truth. All they are interested in is for the other person to BELIEVE them, because it benefits
the source in some way. So another conclusion I can draw here is, the source does not want us to know the truth, simply based on the fact that the
source is attempting to make us BELIEVE something without giving us the opportunity to figure it out through evidence and reason. It wants us to
accept what it says as "true", and of course it would understand that it is easy ot accept or believe ANYTHING, so if it truly wants us to know the
truth, why does it expect us to believe a word it says? Does it not realise that you cannot find truth by believing everyone that comes along and
makes a proclamation?
And obviously if he's trying to convince us of something and deprive our free will to seek answers and figure it out ourselves, there's something in
it for him. Even assuming that what he says is true, he realises that by believing him on his word we're already being deprived of free will to CHECK
and make sure it is, and so we don't know whether it is true or not. So if someone wants us to know the truth, does it make sense that they'd try to
prevent us from drawing our own conclusions and trying to convince us of their perspective and version, and expecting us to readily just accept it
without question? Of course then we won't "know" anything anyway, it'll be just another belief, it won't make us any more critical or vigilant,
it won't help us learn or grow and progress, it'll just become another assumption in the huge list of assumptions that exist and are daily accepted
as "truth" without question in this world. So obviously the goal is not to help us.
All that is just assuming the source truly IS alien, if it isn't, it seems like a disinformation attempt, or, a naive assumption that someone else
made about aliens and wants everyone else to believe it too.
Ok maybe that was about 3 cents... anyways, these are just my thoughts, I could certainly be wrong, and all comments are welcome