posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 06:52 PM
Thanks for sharing this with all of us.
I would love to know if anything showed up on radar reports. It could have been a meteorite.
"Yes, but the meteor must be brighter than about magnitude -6 to be noticed in a portion of the sky away from the sun, and must be even brighter when
it occurs closer to the sun.
Fireballs can develop two types of trails behind them: trains and smoke trails. A train is a glowing trail of ionized and excited air molecules left
behind after the passage of the meteor. Most trains last only a few seconds, but on rare occasions a train may last up to several minutes. A train of
this duration can often be seen to change shape over time as it is blown by upper atmospheric winds. Trains generally occur very high in the meteoric
region of the atmosphere, generally greater than 80 km (65 miles) altitude, and are most often associated with fast meteors. Fireball trains are often
visible at night, and very rarely by day.
The second type of trail is called a smoke trail, and is more often seen in daylight fireballs than at night. Generally occurring below 80 km of
altitude, smoke trails are a non-luminous trail of particulate stripped away during the ablation process. These appear similar to contrails left
behind by aircraft, and can have either a light or dark appearance"
"Did I see a meteorite fall?
Bright fireballs are rare and very exciting. Most fireballs do not produce meteorites. Fireballs which are associated with meteorite falls end high in
the sky, so that if the fireball goes behind a hill or over the horizon, then the meteorites will land about 300 miles away. Because they are so very
bright, fireballs look much closer than they really are. Only if an observer sees dark objects against the sky after the fireball has ended is he or
she likely to be close to the fall site, and then a strong smell, caused by gases being produced by the meteorite, may be noticed."
[edit on 21-9-2005 by Eden]