posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 11:38 PM
Actully, Rudolph Diesel developed the engine to have the capabilities of using vegetable oil, but with todays fuel injectors, it will clog with the
glycerine content in vegetable oil, Biodiesel is a safer alternative, however, it still contains petrol.I have posted a few links, one actually
includes ways to convert your existing vegetable oil into new engine friendly, fuel. Hey get this the by product of burning pure vegetable oil with a
diesel engine is this, it releases carbon DIOXIDE, which means plant food anywhere you go
I know my dad has it delivered I think once a month, but
the most common oil used for this is soybeans.
That one has a bit of info on
This one walks you through making it and various resource links,
And this one tells you pretty much a little more detail on it.
Supposedly all you really need to do, is change your gas filter and lines to get rid of the left over petrol is find an oil with a low glycerine
content, it's safe for dogs to lick up off of the ground, And like I said it releases carbon Dioxide, not Monoxide, so you may even notice trees
growing alot faster once you do this