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American Insurgent

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posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 08:01 AM

I just wanted to give you a link to a thread that I started earlier, that got buried very quickly.
Seems people just do not want to admit certain things. Like americans beign considered Insurgents,
check this out.'

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Watchman77
Do you have children? Have you ever heard the cry of a hungry child?

No, and yes. In that order. All I have to say about that is that those people should have evacuated as they were told to do or have been better prepared. If they steal they should face the consequences.

It isn't stealing, it is surviving... I pity you should you ever have to find out what that is all about. This food is just going to sit there & rot. The diapers that are floating around are only going to be trashed along with the rest of the debris, WHY should people suffer & die for lack of these things?

If the people had been better prepared or evacuated they would have been able to survive without stealing, wouldn't they? It's thier own faults they didn't heed the warnings. If you steal you're a criminal. And last time I checked, no one died from a lack of diapers.

Do you really believe they should just blindly obey & be herded like cattle into "safety zones?

The people we went to the safety zones did a much better job of surviving, didn't they? And they didn't even have to steal anything there!

Please explain what you mean about "Bush-bashing" I am a bit confused. Is it the fact I believe Bush to be an evil man & directly responsible for causing this hurricane? If I can't say that there is really no point in me being on this board, because IMHO that IS exactly what people need to be told.

When you said, ""That is just not true, there are many people who are "above the law" Bush & his bunch have proven this time & again." I asked you to stop before it got any worse. This thread is not about our President, so there's no need to discuss him, really. You can find other threads to express your opinion. And just because it's YOUR opinion doesn't mean that it "is exactly what people need to be told." I happen to think otherwise, and would you like me saying that "Our President is a good president," all the time to you? Probably not, so show some restraint. If that's too difficult for you, there are plenty of other boards around the internet where everyone would agree with you.

Oh and, take a look at this little gem. Might help you out on this one.

Terms And Conditions Of Use
15.) You will, if asked by myself or a moderator, cease posting any content, and/or links to content, deemed offensive, objectionable, or in poor taste by the representatives of the message board.

Is the suggestion to "consolidate" only a suggestion OR is it mandatory, because I prefer to keep my post more personal as though I am actually communicating with people & not just talking to a crowd?

I asked you to do it for your sake. Making repeated responsed like that makes it look like you're just trying to gain as many ATS points as possible. Also, making several posts creates more of a draw on bandwidth.

Originally posted by jmilici
I just wanted to give you a link to a thread that I started earlier, that got buried very quickly.
Seems people just do not want to admit certain things. Like americans beign considered Insurgents,

I think your thread was buried because, as someone pointed out to you, the word "insurgent" was used out of context. They were talking about the idiots shooting at the rescue helicopters. Also, coming to post a link in a thread for another thread is called "hijacking," and it's generally frowned upon.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by jmilici

I just wanted to give you a link to a thread that I started earlier, that got buried very quickly.
Seems people just do not want to admit certain things. Like americans beign considered Insurgents,
check this out.'

Thanx for the link, I checked it out & although I have not yet heard these poor people called "insurgents" on the news yet, I do believe it is only a matter of time before that is what they will be considered.
After I looked up the definition to be completely sure of what an "insurgent" is, I wondered how they were able to use this word to describe "terrorists" IF these two words can mean the same in the minds of the American people then how much easier to convince them that any kind of civil dissent is terrorism against America?
I have no doubt there is going to be a WHOLE lot of dissent in the very near future & many American citizens are going to be considered terrorists & killed or imprisoned because of it.
I have been watching these things develope for over 20 years & even thought I knew it was coming it is still sometimes hard to believe it is finally here.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 06:31 AM
***No, and yes. In that order. All I have to say about that is that those people should have evacuated as they were told to do or have been better prepared. If they steal they should face the consequences.***

How did it make you feel to hear the cry of a hungry child? Did you feed the child or have to just sit & listen to it cry? Were you able to walk away from the child so you did not have to listen to the sound? WOULD you feed the child if you had the ability to feed the child?
Some of those people couldn't evacuate & some of those people are afraid to go to places like the shelters for very good reasons. Some of those people couldn't prepare, the degree of poverty down there is amazing something that most Americans cannot understand or empathise with. You cannot run from every storm just because someone tells you to if you got no where to go & no way to get there.

***If the people had been better prepared or evacuated they would have been able to survive without stealing, wouldn't they? It's thier own faults they didn't heed the warnings. If you steal you're a criminal. And last time I checked, no one died from a lack of diapers. ***

while it is true that no one has died from "lack of diapers" that I know of, there are many, many children who suffer terrible diaper rash when they are forced to sit in a wet or soiled diaper for very long, I can only imagine how awful it must have been for those poor mothers & babies to not have diapers & other things needed like sanitary napkins & toilet paper.
I have been poor, I know what it is like to go without proper food & living conditions, I find it pretty cold hearted to say things like "they should have been prepared" even the RICH were not prepared for this, what chance did the poor have?

***The people we went to the safety zones did a much better job of surviving, didn't they? And they didn't even have to steal anything there! ***

These people's ordeal is far from over, & with the added strain that is going to be caused by hurricane Rita there is no telling just how miserable these evacuee camps are going to get, so it is a little premature to say that these people are doing "much better"

***When you said, ""That is just not true, there are many people who are "above the law" Bush & his bunch have proven this time & again." I asked you to stop before it got any worse. This thread is not about our President, so there's no need to discuss him, really. You can find other threads to express your opinion. And just because it's YOUR opinion doesn't mean that it "is exactly what people need to be told." I happen to think otherwise, and would you like me saying that "Our President is a good president," all the time to you? Probably not, so show some restraint. If that's too difficult for you, there are plenty of other boards around the internet where everyone would agree with you. ***

Actually this thread IS about our President & what he & his adminstration is doing to America. That was my whole point in starting this thread.
Also this thread IS my opinion, based on what I have researched & found to be true. Now everyone has their own right to believe it or think I am lunatic, BUT I should not be silenced OR corrected for speaking my mind about what I have found to be true.
The President AND his men ARE above the law, they have proven this time & again, just because you don't KNOW this, does not negate the truth of the matter. IF the truth is not allowed on this board, then I will not post any more. But these things are NOT just my opinion.
I don't care for places where everyone agrees with everyone I prefer a place where everyone can speak their mind & then I can sift through & find the gems that everyone has to offer...
And for the record, I really wouldn't care how often you say "Our President is a good President", other than I would wonder how in the world you had come to that conclusion.

***Oh and, take a look at this little gem. Might help you out on this one.

Terms And Conditions Of Use
15.) You will, if asked by myself or a moderator, cease posting any content, and/or links to content, deemed offensive, objectionable, or in poor taste by the representatives of the message board.***

Ok, I can accept these terms, but I find it very strange that the truth is considered "offensive, objectionable OR in poor taste"... so IF these are the terms this board wants to promote, then I will take my posts elsewhere.

***I asked you to do it for your sake. Making repeated responsed like that makes it look like you're just trying to gain as many ATS points as possible. Also, making several posts creates more of a draw on bandwidth. ***

Sorry I don't believe that suggestion was at all for "my sake", as far as the ATS points go, I have no idea what they are OR what they are for, so I have no reason to try & gain points... I DON'T post for points.
Do you honestly expect me to believe that a few small posts by me side by side is going to raise the bandwith of this site.
If you have a problem with me why don't you just come out & be honest about it instead of making up excuses for scolding me.

Now I know I probably just made you madder at me because of this post & IF you want me to leave I will because I have no interest in staying on a forum that bands the truth...

MOD EDIT: Removing a personal attack.

[edit on 9/24/2005 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Watchman77
How did it make you feel to hear the cry of a hungry child? Did you feed the child or have to just sit & listen to it cry? Were you able to walk away from the child so you did not have to listen to the sound? WOULD you feed the child if you had the ability to feed the child?

Sad, feed it, no, and yes... In that order.

Some of those people couldn't evacuate & some of those people are afraid to go to places like the shelters for very good reasons.... You cannot run from every storm just because someone tells you to if you got no where to go & no way to get there.

What were thier good reasons for being afraid to go to the shelters? They were afraid of the safety? Come on!

No, you can't run from every storm, but if you know that a storm the size of Katrina was coming it should make you think that you should leave. As for where to go? The shelters! No way to get there? There were busses going around and picking people up to take them to shelters! Hmmm...

These people's ordeal is far from over, & with the added strain that is going to be caused by hurricane Rita there is no telling just how miserable these evacuee camps are going to get, so it is a little premature to say that these people are doing "much better"

My point was that the people who evacuated were doing much better once the hurricane passed than those who stayed to ride it out. As for people evacuating en masse from Rita? It was a category three, maybe even a two, when it made landfall. People have lived through those storms before without evacuating in such great quantities. The people who fled Rita bought into the media hype.

Actually this thread IS about our President & what he & his adminstration is doing to America. That was my whole point in starting this thread.

Actually, when you started this thread you never mentioned the President. The first post was how you expected there to be "hold-outs" in New Orleans and around the effected area. No one even mentioned the President until you did in post number 1698963, about half way down the first page.

Also this thread IS my opinion, based on what I have researched & found to be true.

Exactly, it's your opinion. That's how everyone bases thier opinions, on what they have researched and found to be true. My opinion differs from yours.

Ok, I can accept these terms, but I find it very strange that the truth is considered "offensive, objectionable OR in poor taste"... so IF these are the terms this board wants to promote, then I will take my posts elsewhere.

You said it yourself, these are your opinions. Opinions do not equal truth. So you're spreading your opinions, not the truth.

Do you honestly expect me to believe that a few small posts by me side by side is going to raise the bandwith of this site.

If we let you do it, we have to let everyone do it. If everyone does it, then it would be a problem.

Also, your continued ultimatums to leave don't bother me. If you want to leave or you think you're being oppressed here, leave. No one is keeping you chained to ATS.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 06:20 AM
***What were thier good reasons for being afraid to go to the shelters? They were afraid of the safety? Come on!

No, you can't run from every storm, but if you know that a storm the size of Katrina was coming it should make you think that you should leave. As for where to go? The shelters! No way to get there? There were busses going around and picking people up to take them to shelters! Hmmm... ***

Many people for very good reasons do not trust the government or the powers that be, & obviously from how badly things went at the different "shelters" they were right not to want to go there.
Unfortunately people become complacent & don't take things as serious as they should all the time, these people have lived through the tropical storms & hurricanes there for a long time & probably thought this one wouldn't be much different, I haven't heard of any busses that were sent to evacuate people in NO before Katrina, all I remember being said about buses was after the fact when they were showing all the school buses that COULD have been used sitting half way under water.

***My point was that the people who evacuated were doing much better once the hurricane passed than those who stayed to ride it out. As for people evacuating en masse from Rita? It was a category three, maybe even a two, when it made landfall. People have lived through those storms before without evacuating in such great quantities. The people who fled Rita bought into the media hype.***

Many of the people who didn't evacuate were doing just fine until they were "escorted" out by armed ""rescuers"
I can guarantee you that many of those who went to the Superdome or the Convention center wished they had stayed home & took care of themselves.
Those who evacuated Rita were only obeying orders, & it was a cag. 4 just a few hours before it made landfall so how were these people suppose to know it was going to become a 3... I am sure many of them wished they had not obeyed mandatory evactuation also.

***Actually, when you started this thread you never mentioned the President. The first post was how you expected there to be "hold-outs" in New Orleans and around the effected area. No one even mentioned the President until you did in post number 1698963, about half way down the first page.

Actually when I started this thread I was laying a foundation to discuss the current administrations ability to turn a dissenter into a terrorist, i.e. by calling them insurgents.

***Exactly, it's your opinion. That's how everyone bases thier opinions, on what they have researched and found to be true. My opinion differs from yours. ***

But is your opinion based on research or just your "gut feeling?"

***You said it yourself, these are your opinions. Opinions do not equal truth. So you're spreading your opinions, not the truth.***

Opinions = the truth when they are based on the truth.. there is evidence to prove that my opinions are based on the truth...

***If we let you do it, we have to let everyone do it. If everyone does it, then it would be a problem.

I have seen many others do it without reproof...

***Also, your continued ultimatums to leave don't bother me. If you want to leave or you think you're being oppressed here, leave. No one is keeping you chained to ATS. ***

I am not giving ultimatums, that would just be childish... I am trying to find out what is & is not acceptable on this forum so I can know IF it is worth bothering with... I am desperately searching for a forum with many ears that will listen to these truths before it is too late, I THOUGHT this might be the forum & still think it could be... BUT I cannot tolerate being corrected & reproved by someone younger than my children... especially when they are wrong... that is why I said what I did... it was not a "personal attack" it was an observation.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 10:05 AM
Alright, I've allowed this topic to stray off long enough. Time to get back on topic.

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