posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:15 PM
I realize this topic is a few years old, but I have your answer: W.C. Vetsch is just another weirdo. I've met the dude. In fact, he threatened to
send his "friends" after me if I sold the CDs he wanted to anyone else. Let me explain:
I used to work for an independent CD store on Long Island. We got a lot of freaks in the store-- A LOT. But there was one in particular that I could
never forget. His name was John, so he claimed, but you may know him better as W.C. Vetsch.
He came into the store almost everyday for a few weeks. He was a tall dude, and he walked with a gnarly wooden cane, though he didn't have any
obvious handicaps. He ALWAYS wore all leather. He would deliver long sermons on Billy Jack and how the movies were gospel handed down from higher
powers. He told me all about Kal Niranjan-- the name that consumed me for years and eventually brought me to this forum-- whom he claimed was the
devil, and whose only power against us is F.E.A.R., which stands for "False Evidence Appears Real."
John came back a number of times after that. He was extremely nasty, and was universally hated by the staff at my store. He would request that
we hold CDs for him and then never return for them. The manager at the store would put these items back out on the floor after a week or so--
something that made "W.C. Vetsch" very irate. Eventually, he just started hiding these CDs around the store. We'd find the CDs, and put them back
where they belonged. This is what led to him threatening to "call the cavalry" on me. I'm still waiting.
The last time I saw him-- shortly before the manager told him to leave the store and never come back-- he had just lectured me for three hours on
the structure of the planes of existence. I told him I had to go, as it was ten minutes after the time I was supposed to be let off for the day, and
he said, "I'm gonna let you go. But first, have you ever wondered how man and woman manifested themselves?" To this I said, "Hold that thought.
I gotta get something outta my car." (at the time, I didn't even have one.) He said okay, and I ran out the store and back to my home. According
to the next shift, he waited about a half-hour for me to return.
Long story short, ignore this freak-- unless you're looking for a laugh.