I was surprised there isnt a post for this already, but ok...
I was watching his speech last night and there were a few things that jumped out at me:
1. 80% of his speech delt with filler material & WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW... how bad the gulf cost was hit and the lives lost. He could've spent less
time rehashing the obvious and spent more time answering "what are you gonna do about".
2. When he did address "accountability" and "next steps"... it became woefully apparent his solution is to form yet MORE committees to
"investigate" how the response what so wrong.. blah blah... great MORE RED TAPE
3. This is a personal one. I hate how he smirks when he reads the teleprompter as if he is reading the "speech" for the first time thinking to
himself.. "oh those speech writers...those guys and their heart felt sentiments, they make me look soooooo good". PLEASE remember, when he addresses
the nation, the words he speaks ARE NOT HIS, but rather written for the sole benefit of perception of the administration (the ones who actually pull
the strings). I had to remind my wife of this last night. Remind ourselves when he speaks. Too often we get lost in the moment and forget where these
words are coming from.
4. Now the part that really bothered me. In the middle of his fluffy anecdotes and quips.... he said the following:
"It is now clear that a challenge on this scale requires
greater federal authority," he said, "and a
broader role for the armed forces
-- the institution of our government most capable of massive logistical operations on a moment's notice."
I want to note that before the words fell from his mouth.. I noticed his body language changed (something i pay close attention to in my everyday
life). He became very authoritve, shifted and leaned forward into the camera when he said the above. Take it for what its worth- just something i
noticed. The man comes off so cold.
After he said that... it hit me. Perhaps the murmurs on ATS regarding a "military state" arent just paranoia.
5. Now the conspiracy side of things. I hate saying his name, but DAVID ICKE made alot of sense when he wrote about those in power creating "covert"
problems so they are able to "present a overt solution" to fit their agenda. In this case by not responding to such a catastrophe the way we know we
can, the prez takes the blame and then says he will provide the solution. One being the above mentioned "more power to federal & military". The
other being:
"clear and up-to-date plans for responding to natural disasters, disease outbreaks or
terrorist attacks, for evacuating large numbers of
people in an emergency and for providing the food, water and security they would need."
Maybe I'm paranoid, but perhaps one way to interpret this is as a "priming" of whats to come. I'll spell it out: "lets get the people ready for a
nuke going off and prepare them for future disaster." This is the USA. We should have had our S**T together by now. Perhaps we do. Perhaps they know
exactly whats to come.
Just some thoughts...
[edit on 16-9-2005 by Serum39]