posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 09:38 AM
Hi guys. Whilst reading
this thread, I realised that, even though UniversalFiction came
up with some fantastic banners, it has been over a year since you got any new ones. So, given that you guys do such an important and fantastic job, I
thought I would make you some new banners for your signatures.
Mod Edit: Banners have been resized - Please see Jeremiah25’s subsequent post for corrected images
The pictures are all hosted at imageshack, so you might want to save them and run them from your own upload space or server for permanence.
I hope you like them. Keep up the great work, guys.
Edit to make the
ATS SETI@HOME TEAM more visible. If anybody liked the old, thin letters better, let me know and I will change them back
for you.
[edit on 16/9/05 by Jeremiah25]
[edit on 9/20/2005 by EnronOutrunHomerun]