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posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 08:38 AM


It's an 18 minute video describing how (according to the it) various conflicts in the whole Palestine / Israeli mess are staged and then sensationalised by the national news agencies.

Myself I wasn't sure what to make of this video, however I thought it might be interesting for everyone else to take a look at. I'm not familiar with the website it came from, but it's certainly interesting.

Mods feel free to move this if I've put it in the wrong place.

Mod Edit: Added Graphic Warning

[edit on 9/16/05 by FredT]

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 12:06 PM
No one could be bothered to watch it? Fair enough.

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 01:39 PM
Had some good points in it. Much of it could have been taking out of context which would by why Im in no way convinced of anything.

Overall intriguing though.

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 01:56 PM
....i took a chance and clicked your link,

i do recall the one episode of the supposed funeral dirge,
where the deceased was dropped
and put himself back on the platform? twice!
that made several forum sites, ?? probably even ATS ??,
but the story didn't have legs and withered on the vine in a few days

but all those 'incidents' were of past events, in 2000-2003 years.

i don't think really much has changed...except the visciousness
of the videos that eventually showed us all, the beheadings.

actually, i was doing some fact finding about the Nation India,
and the film industry there called Bollywood
which is in Bombay=(Mumbai)
and the two ~ 'pollywood' ~ & ~'bollywood'~ was worth a look-see
to see what its about

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
actually, i was doing some fact finding about the Nation India,
and the film industry there called Bollywood
which is in Bombay=(Mumbai)
and the two ~ 'pollywood' ~ & ~'bollywood'~ was worth a look-see
to see what its about

yup..your right.. Bollywood is right down here in india which is now the biggest film industry in the world! Your finding facts..kewl.. suggest you watch some hindi movies too ..

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 09:58 AM
So there is no conflict between Palestinians are Israle ??? Its all made up ?? right ...tell that to the people living at the "tent city"

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 06:59 PM
I actually came across this video on another site I visit from time to time, then came to ATS, searched for "Pallywood" and found this thread.

I don't know what to make of the video, but I think it's very interesting not to mentioning eye opening if accurate. My questions regarding the video are why would Palestinians go to suck extremes for new footage of them fighting with Israel? Is it propaganda used to recruit more suicide bombers etc..? Is used so that the rest of the world will think Israel is the big bad aggressor and the Palestinians are the ones being attacked?

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 02:07 PM
Their are no good guys in the Israeli/Palestenian conflict..none. Not the Israelis nor the Palestenians.
The Palestenians can never go head to head with the to one. They must use world sentiment and world need to vote for the underdog. This is standard propaganda and very useful on a ignorant emotional public preconditioned by sitcoms and emotional baggage and Daytime television like Oprah and others."Victimization"
"Victimization " is a very powerful tool used on a unwary and uninformed public. The Israelis themselves have used it for years to acquire a pass to play through unhindered. Now they have competition in the media.
A ignorant media seeking to increase circulation is the perfect stooge for this "Victim " mentality and will play right into this.
Look for more of this when the opportunity presents itself.


posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 02:44 PM
I have given this video some more thought and had a few things I can't figure out. If the Palestinians are staging acts to be filmed for propaganda why don't the Israelis expose the truth? or do they try and no one cares? It also crossed my mind that the Israelis could be behind it so they would have some reason to continue the fight but I don't think that is the case with this footage.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 08:45 PM
I believe the film was made by Israelis. This does not mean it is not a valid film. I just know a bit of history about the Israelis and Palestenians and enough history going back aways.
As I stated in my previous post ..there are no good guys here.
Most people do not know that the Jews or going back in history the Hebrews are very militant by nature. It was the Hebrews themselves in ancient Palestine who were attacking the Romans when they occupied Palestine. It was dangerous for drunken Romans to be wandering the streets of Palestine in certain areas as the very zealous Hebrews would often attack and kill them in small numbers. Like the Palestenians of today the Hebrews of olde could never go one to one with the Romans. The Romans eventually got tired of the Hebrews and wiped the whole nation out in 70 AD and spread the Hebrews who survived around their empire. No one even lived in Jerusalem for 40 years afterwords.
This area of the mid east has always had turmoil at one time or another. It is not a new thing just within our generation. Ancient Palestine was in the time of the Romans a place where one was sent when one fell out of political favor with the Roman was the "armpit " of the empire.
It was the Jews under Menachim Begin's group which blew up the King David Hotel which housed the officers of the British Military. So you see if the Jews wanted to resort to terrorism ,of the kind done by the Palestenians, the Palestenians could learn some serious lessons from the Jews. It is a very fortunate thing for the Palestenians that the Jews today to not take the gloves off and go bare knuckled. The Jews of today can be very hard and very harsh if they want to be. Fortunately for the Palestenians they dont do this all the time. On the other hand when you see Palestenians suicide bombing people in the streets this is peak performance for them. It is obviously the best they can do with the people and equipment they have. Just as kidnapping and executing people in Iraq and suicide bombers is also the best the militants and insurgents can do there.
This is the lesson from history which is so often overlooked by our media and educators and of course our politicians who finance our education. I know this for a fact.
There are radical Jews and radical Muslims ...both radical and both very violent. Are all of them like this ..but they doubt. Most Americans are totally ignorant to this line of thinking.
Propaganda lends itself easily to war and support for a war. Either one side or another. I do not think this lesson has been lost on the Palestenians.
I do believe some of this has changed since the death of Arafat but how much or for how long I cannot say. Time will tell.
I do believe this is a video that needs to be seen by people and I beleive it is true. The Palestenians are just playing catch up in the propaganda arena.



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