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Irans fighter: Saegeh-80.

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posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 08:54 PM
Since there hasnt been much discussion about our plane developments i thought i put this one, Saegeh-80 aka. Saeq’e is new aircarft by and for IRIAF, put on your opinion and thoughts about it. Also dont doubt this plane since we had alot of experience with F-4's and F-14's.

Saeq’e Fighter Jet to Join Iran’s Air Force

TEHRAN (MNA) – Iran’s first fighter jet, the Saeq’e (lightning), will soon join the air fleet of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force, the Air Force commander said on Wednesday.

The fighter has been designed and constructed by specialists and experts from Iran’s Air Force, IRIAF Commander Brigadier General Seyyed Reza Pardis told the Mehr News Agency.

“This fighter has various capabilities and will be used to boost defensive power,” he said.

Iran has great potential in specialized fields and can develop any kind of conventional defensive technology that we want, Pardis added.

Pardis went on to say that the Iranian Air Force is one of the most powerful air forces in the region.

“The IRIAF was the foremost air force in the region during the time of the Sacred Defense (the 1980-1988 Iraq-Iran war). Today, too, we have one of the mightiest air forces in the Middle East region,” he noted.

He added that the weapons and equipment that the IRIAF has designed, produced, and upgraded are comparable to and in many cases even more advanced than those utilized by the air forces of other regional countries. Referring to the IRIAF’s operational readiness, General Pardis asserted, “It does not make any difference for the IRIAF from where or when the threat might originate, we are prepared for defense at all times. We have made the necessary preparations in this regard.” RA/HL/HG

Iran’s supreme leader calls for military development, new plane unveiled

9 July 2004

TEHERAN - Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called for the armed forces to be boosted, as the Islamic republic unveiled a locally developed fighter jet, the official news agency IRNA reported on Friday.

“Our country may not be faced with any military threat for years,” Khamenei was quoted as saying during a military parade in the western city of Hamedan.

“But the Islamic republic’s powerful defence system must be prepared to defend the country and the people while consistently developing its abilities,” he said.

During his tour of Hamedan, Khamenei was shown one of the country’s first home-made fighter jets -- the “Sa’eqeh” (thunderbolt), described by military analysts as a modified Northrup F-5.

The jet has been shown on state television making a test flight. No information about its operational capacity, technical specifications or production were given.

Iran has also reportedly been developing another locally-made fighter called the “Azarakhsh”, or lightning, as part of efforts to replace an air force fleet largely comprised of US-made planes bought before the 1979 Islamic revolution.


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[edit on 14/9/2005 by Mirthful Me]

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[edit on 16-9-2005 by pantha]

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 09:05 PM
Looks cool.
To me, the Seageh-80 appears to be a modified Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter/Tiger or T-38 Talon.

As indicated by one of your articles:

During his tour of Hamedan, Khamenei was shown one of the country’s first home-made fighter jets -- the “Sa’eqeh” (thunderbolt), described by military analysts as a modified Northrup F-5.


[edit on 13-9-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 09:22 PM
It appears closely patterned on the F-5 design (except for the twin canted vertical tails), but judging by the people standing next to it I'd guess it's a fair bit bigger.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 11:56 PM

we have one of the mightiest air forces in the Middle East region,” he noted.

After Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 01:48 AM
Blah, just more targets for Western air power.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 04:39 AM
It would be rubbish, to be brutally honest. It is after all nothing more than an F-5 with an extra fin, maybe some decent avionics too, but nothing really to worry about. Far more impressive IMHO is the moderately stealthy one, is it the 'Shafaq'?

This seems to use some of the most recent MiG technology and, although still only a light combatt aircraft in the same class as the above, it appears to be a very competent little design and one worthy of some respect.

edit, yes it is the shafaq, here's a picture

[edit on 14-9-2005 by waynos]

[edit on 14-9-2005 by waynos]

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 06:23 AM
looks like the bastard child of an F/A-18 and an F-35

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 06:40 AM
it is rumpred to have the mig-29 radar. which is capable of firing R-77s

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 07:42 PM
"What if we crossed an F-5 with an F/A-18?"
"Go for it!"

Hmm, I wouldn't worry much about it. Probably most capable for its technology, but nothing to the latet stuff that any developed nation has. Full props for them trying to make their own new stuff mind.


posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 07:56 PM
thanks all for the comments, Saegeh-80 is suspected to go at mach 2.2 with all aspects mostly of F-4, Shafagh will most likely use Russian or iranian made radar but for sure it will be using RD-33 engines.

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 05:14 PM
I think it looks ugly...

but... bad looks doesn't mean it's not a good aircraft

[edit on 15-9-2005 by ulshadow]

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 05:53 PM
The F-5 with fins isn't exactly interesting - where they are getting their spare parts from to keep the fleet flying is however.

The Mig lookalike is far more interesting and looks to be a neat little fighter, if it is equipped with RD-33s however, export sales are highly unlikely as the Russians have refused to release that particular unit for export as the Chinese are now finding out with the FC-1.

[edit on 15-9-2005 by Winchester Ranger T]


posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
The F-5 with fins isn't exactly interesting - where they are getting their spare parts from to keep the fleet flying is however.

The Mig lookalike is far more interesting and looks to be a neat little fighter, if it is equipped with RD-33s however, export sales are highly unlikely as the Russians have refused to release that particular unit for export as the Chinese are now finding out with the FC-1.

[edit on 15-9-2005 by Winchester Ranger T]

how would you know that? Iran already chose the engine and signed a contract with them, FC-1 engines werent delivered only to pakistan because India has told Russia to stop supplying them with it.

[edit on 15-9-2005 by NR]


posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 11:11 PM
guys lets not also doubt saegeh-80, remember back in 1980 during the war our F-5E's knocked out the highest scores including knocking out MiG-25's, now imagine how advanced S-80 would be?.

photo of 8 brave pilots preparing to take off in their F-5E Tigers from the 4th Tactical Fighter Base at Dezful (known as Vahdati) for one of many missions against Iraqi forces in the early days of the Iran-Iraq war.

During those days, Vahdati and Dezful were under constant threat of being overrun by the Iraqi army, and very often pilots like these did not know as they took off whether they would have a base to come back to when their mission was over. For this reason, pilots jokingly called this base "Vahshati" air force base!

Men like this continued to fight for their country despite their colleagues having been constantly threatened, thrown in jail, tortured, and executed. They knew very well that they could be next, and that their sacrifice might never be officially acknowledged. A large number ended up being either killed in action, taken prisoner, purged and/or executed by the government, or leaving the country they fought so dearly for. To this day they are not publicly honored or recognized in Iran, and remain nameless and faceless for most Iranians.

Iran produced the highest scoring F-5E aces in the world (the F-5E has been in service in with over 26 countries for 32 years). The highest scoring F-5 pilot in the world is Colonel Yadollah Javadpour with 5 enemy aircraft shot down to his credit. One of these was a Mig-25, the fastest and highest flying fighter plane in the world, and was routinely used by Iraq to bomb civilian areas of Iran.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 12:54 AM
Teh_Gerbil you wondered what an F-5/FA-18 cross would look like well il tell you something. The FA-18 was developed from the F-5, i know it doesnt look like it but it is. heres the story.

Northrop wanted to improve the F-5, they came up with the F-20 Tigershark with 1 bigger engine. then the design got two fins and big LERXs like the hornet. 1 and 2 engine versions were designed.

the YF-17 was made with 2 engines as a compeditor to the F-16 in the Light Weight Fighter competition, which it lost. this got changed into the F-18 and A-18 carrier based fighter and attacker and the land based F-18L. the F-18 and A-18 got combined and the F-18L was dropped because of lack of intrest.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 08:09 AM
Shafagh/Shafaq is Mukhamedov design I-2000 sold to Iran. It does not have anything in common with MiG I-2000. While Mukhamedov I-2000 means Integral, MiG I-2000 means Istrebitel = fighter. The latest Shafaq configuration has swept wings.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 08:29 AM
Doesn't really look like anything new. As some have already acknowledged, the FA-18 Hornet was derived from the F-5 platform. Onviously this plane is also derived from that same platform and really looks like the bastard child of the F-5 and the FA-18 but with Down's Syndrome.

Also, someone stated that the the F-5 had some of the highest scores... um, yeah, over 20 years ago! Body styling and engines are not the only things to make this type of weapons platform deadly, though they certainly help. It all really comes down to the avionics, weapons systems and the training of the pilots. In short, I believe that just about any tactical fighter in the USAF arsenal could knock this out of the sky before visual contact would ever be made.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by NR

Originally posted by Winchester Ranger T
The F-5 with fins isn't exactly interesting - where they are getting their spare parts from to keep the fleet flying is however.

The Mig lookalike is far more interesting and looks to be a neat little fighter, if it is equipped with RD-33s however, export sales are highly unlikely as the Russians have refused to release that particular unit for export as the Chinese are now finding out with the FC-1.

[edit on 15-9-2005 by Winchester Ranger T]

India has not control over the FC-1 engines as they go from china to paksitan and not russia to pakistan..
[edit on 15-9-2005 by NR]

how would you know that? Iran already chose the engine and signed a contract with them, FC-1 engines werent delivered only to pakistan because India has told Russia to stop supplying them with it.

[edit on 16-9-2005 by Daedalus3]


posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
Doesn't really look like anything new. As some have already acknowledged, the FA-18 Hornet was derived from the F-5 platform. Onviously this plane is also derived from that same platform and really looks like the bastard child of the F-5 and the FA-18 but with Down's Syndrome.

Also, someone stated that the the F-5 had some of the highest scores... um, yeah, over 20 years ago! Body styling and engines are not the only things to make this type of weapons platform deadly, though they certainly help. It all really comes down to the avionics, weapons systems and the training of the pilots. In short, I believe that just about any tactical fighter in the USAF arsenal could knock this out of the sky before visual contact would ever be made.

it doesnt matter if it was from 20 years ago, F-15,F-16 and F-18 were also from way back and even the MiG-25 foxbat which was the worlds fastest plane that got knocked out by an IRIAF F-5 was still even found beating out F-18's in the past.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 06:36 PM
here are some good pictures.

Very sleek

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