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Types of aliens(not races)

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posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 02:50 AM
After a lot of researching i have come to the conclusuion that there are tree types of intelligent life forms viz:

FIrst are the human type which have souls

SEcond are the lucifirean hive mind eg reptilians,greys who have no soul

Third are the light beings or pure energy lifeforms.
My question is that since there are densities of life and we humans are on the 3rd density,reptilians are are the lower fourth density and pure energy life forms 5,6,7+ density how do the pure energy life forms reproduce?
Could you fill me up menguard,vertu and earthsister.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:59 AM
With their lightsabres of course

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 04:04 AM

i have come to the conclusuion

I'd like to know how you reached that conclusion. Please don't say:

After a lot of researching

Hehe. Just some links would be cool!

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 06:41 AM
1. Post something to explain where you drew your conclusions from. Saying "I researched it" doesn't cut it.
2. Don't call out specific members. It's rude on so many levels.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 08:35 AM
Hi, warthog911

Always remember that just because you read something, that does not mean that it's true. And no matter how many people read or believe the same thing, that does not make it truer.

Types of aliens(not races)

In my experience (I don't research material) the aliens describe themselves as two types, physical matter and light, with physical matter the greater in number of races. From there is a wide spectrum of shared similarities and unique differences in biological make-up, appearance, and abilities natural and technological.

SEcond are the lucifirean hive mind eg reptilians,greys who have no soul

All people have souls. More exactly, all people are their souls.

how do the pure energy life forms reproduce?

jimstradamus is right. That was very cute too, lol.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 09:03 AM
researching = books i'v read
conclusuion = narrow opinion

There are many questions to be answered, we just have to learn to ask the right ones,
Then the answers should fall into place.
You say three types of intelligent life forms? yes i can name them:

The who are we'(s) = religious

The where are we going'(s) = Profane

The where do we come from'(s) = Spiritualists

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 11:01 AM

Anything with awareness has a soul, doesn't matter how minute.In the Spiritual realm (intent/will) is the building blocks for a foundation.Meaning our thoughts manifest into physical things.They do on earth too, but many are not (aware) of how are thoughts create things everyday,encounters,experiences,etc.We truly are (undefinable).

"We shape our reality with our awareness."

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