posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 11:42 AM
A couple stand out:
1. While Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, and Captain Marvel Jr (Freddie Freeman) were cool, I would have to say the Lt Marvels were among the worse
2. The Green Lantern Corps had way too many members, and there was a worm that wore a ring in one comic.
3. Gypsy and Ice were worthless members of the Justice League for a while.
4. If you guys thought Aquaman was bad, remember that outfit Aqualad had to wear? A shirt and speedos.
5. The worst first version of a superhero goes to Red Tornado. A large woman wore a wash tub and fought crime, luckily it did not last long at all.
The worst superhero has to be: Booster Gold, he was used mainly for comic relief. I do hear they are treating him like a hero now, but that can't
make up for his awful start.