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Thoth, the Egyptian sage whom the Greeks called Hermes Trismegistus

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posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 12:49 PM

"In the ancient city of Annu (later called On in the Bible and Heliopolis by the Greeks) there was a great sacred pillar, itself named Annu - possibly before the city. This, we believe, was the great pillar of Lower Egypt and its counterpart in Upper Egypt at the time of unification was in the city of Nekheb. Later the city of Thebes, known then as 'Waset', had the title 'Iwnu Shema', which meant 'the Southern Pillar'."

"The twin pillars of the Two Lands became the Pillars of Hermes and the attributes of the ancient Egyptian moon god Thoth became absorbed into Hermes...It was said that this god [Thoth] possessed all secret knowledge on 36,535 scrolls that were hidden under the heavenly vault (the sky) which could only be found by the worthy, who would use such knowledge for the benefit of mankind."

Rest of link....

An interesting read felt all concerned would find of interest.

posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 03:45 PM

Having read, there is much of interest here that might be distilled by a certain g/God into a certain Quest to test the mettle of a certain Egyptologist named MorningtonCrescent/Alwayana!

posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 04:40 PM
"possessed all secret knowledge on 36,535 scrolls that were hidden under the heavenly vault (the sky)"

I find it almost uncanny that the length of a year is:


posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 08:09 PM
After doing a bit of 'digging' on this, the information I was running across started raising a variety of questions: Thoth=Toth

1) Did Thoth bring about the downfall of ancient Egypt?

2) Is it like Plato states, Thoth with his "writings" created a false reality?

3) Is Thoth the Pheonix that sits on the Ben-Ben Stone?

4) Did the Israelites, with the help of Thoth, escape Egypt with knowledge of the Kabbalah?

5) Does the Kabbalah contain the secret knowledge of ancient Egypt that so captivated the founding fathers of America and created the masonic lodges?

6) Is Thoth the Logos of the Bible, in Genesis?

7) Is Thoth the "word made flesh"?

8) Is Thoth a deconstructionist?

Also found this:"The script language of the Angels"

Would like to share some points with you to consider....for they have come forward in record keeping....and track in pathway with Kabbalist construct.

We will trace our steps backwards at that the ***Critical info point is not lost in this.

In the Book of Jubilee's and other Ancient Hebrew narratives and accompanying commontaries comes this abstract.

Noahs sons grew..and their families prospered..until it was time for them to seperate towards their Inheritances.

Noah makes his sons **Swear not follow the ways of the Fallen Angels.

why would he make such a request..if they were gone?

and they were..[physically]

Noahs sons all swear by **Him who lives not follow the ways of the Fallen Angels.

yet..immediately in the book of Jubilee's it marks..that the sons of Noah..who headed toward their Inheritance in the region we know Today as **Iraq...

Discovered the **Language script of the Fallen Angels carved on rocks.

the Hebrew narrative breaks out into a treaty of what occured next with the Knowlege of the Fallen Angels being applied.

Great cities are built..and Great Leaders..**Super Leaders..Like Nimrod/Nimrud appear.
they have power over vast quadrants..with strong military strength and influence.

now lets zoom back before the Flood..and the Fallen Angels appearing.

the Hebrew narrative re-inforces this event in the wording several make the reader understand..without a shadow of doubt..that
they** The Fallen Angels..descended on MT Hermon in the Days of Jared.

Jared in Hebrew is Yared...which means to descend down from above to Earth.

here..the reader can go extraterrestrial..stand in line with Eric Von Daniken..or..they can say..'Gods' the Greeks...Romans and Egyptians.

except,,these Gods come form the one knows from where out there though.

The Hebrew denotes their place of Origen..and denotes their form fashioning.
they are from the Realm of the Creator..they are not like Man..they are superior in many aspects..

The Book of Enoch conveys their mental torment...Enoch is sent to plead their case, in fact..the **Ancient of Days will not hear it.

they have been judged...

their hybrid offspring..**The Giants..are doomed..and will be induced to war with each kill each other off.
The Fallen Angels themselves will disperssed..bound in a dimential reality between the physical and the realm of Heaven.

**This is key..for they are still here on this Earth in **Phase varience..

they possess the ability to manipulate **Thought..

infact..Satan..or Shietun their trapped here ..removed from **Time...[where the Creator dwells].
Time is a the universe is 3 Dimentions Time[or plus the Creators Realm]..and then 2 more intersting numbers

the One..[The Creator] and Adam..

this is the true meaning of the Number **6..

its intersting to note..that Shietuns symbolism..which is many..but often seen in the 5 pointed star...
is 5..which is 3d [The creators Realm] Time...and Shietun.

no number being given for Adam...because Adam is dispised.

here we could divert some in discussion..but the premise for the Rebellion of the Angels was the emergence of Adam..his creation..and His being elevated in praise and glory....[Form]

Satan hates Adam..and works exceeding to undermine the relationship between Adam and His Creator.

back to the pre-flood period.*********************************

The Hebrew marks the corruption of the Fallen Angels...
they are indighted for teaching Adam knowledge He was not meant to learn just yet...

The Book of Enoch lays out the knowledge and the fashionings which began to occur...and then how mankind suffered.

This is high knowledge..and it comes from another realm.

Your construct of Thoth or Toth.

I believe Thoth was one of the Fallen Angels,,this is just the entities Egyptian name, the Hebrews have names for the primary Angelic leaders.

The **Launguage..the Script/glyph language of the Angels...
and Egypts legacy..the **Books of Thoth

see a paralell?

The Angels..

they are unable to physically manipulate..or independently create anything now in this dimention. [ Temporal causallity ]

but they can..thru **Thought persuasion...influence man to do things.

the Kabbalah..other Hebrew works..convey to us..thet we **Adam..are fashioned like our Creator.


we are able to Imagine..Dream..and speak.
we can make **Thought...physical reality.

the Creator has fashioned us to move like this.**The Glory

we recieve..and send..**Thought to that Realm..and it returns to us..

we are being directed in a Loving fashion to contend with Shietun..and to
grow in our humanity on this Blue Sphere.

Symbolism is a powerfull imagry form..for it evokes **Thought..and triggers knowledge in mans mind.

the Angels knew this about Adams form..hence the script/glyph format..left intentionally to corrupt Adam.

this is first a pure spite Satan Hates our Form exceedingly.
the **Knowledge will allways undo us for harm and not good.

**The Hebrew beats the message of Personal relationship with the Creator... the construct to understand the **Interface in relationship...

and to not embark the way of the Fallen Angels..
which magnify *Self..and remove dependence on the Creators **Life Force to bind Adam..that he might live and prosper.

**Note...their are many forms of Kabbalah...Sepher Zohar.

the Knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil is a dicey place for Adam...

and as stated by the Creator..


On the day that you eat of that tree's shall surely die.

and we do...our bodies die..

our Spirits however do not...
and they transit to the Creators realm... a physical form and being with the indwelling Spirit of the Creator..would not be tranisting to that realm as he was formed.

only his SPIRIT would.

well..there is just so much more to all of this..

Thoth...Kabbalah..Knowledge from another realm.

you are on the right track if you percieve it so...

the reader can accept the Hebrew account...

or choose Daniken..or gods from someplace out there.

my only appeal would be to remind the reader that an entity..and its exist here in phase varience[ cannot see them by our eye's]...
they exist to do us decieve us..and to make us harm each other..

and most of decieve us to our place of origen..and the testimony from the **First time.


posted on Sep, 7 2003 @ 08:48 AM
Other names for Thoth are Djeheuty and Tehuti, apparently Alastair Crowley spoke to him.

posted on Sep, 7 2003 @ 03:29 PM

posted on Sep, 7 2003 @ 07:57 PM
Seekerof keep in mind that several cultures accept the existance of founders they were not manevolent and from what I understand Thoth was one of them.

For the record none of these cultures are Masons.

Any thoughts?

posted on Sep, 7 2003 @ 10:10 PM
this is really a great thread.
thoth(pronounced with a long "o")=thought. i wasn't clear whether that was suggested above, but it is something i thoth of about a year and a half ago.
drunvalo melchezidek claims to be in (virtually) constant (physical) contact with thoth.
he was goaded into many of his revelations by thoth.
thoth (who is the egyptian hieroglyph of the man body with ibis head(bird with long, skinny, curved beak) is supposed to have invented, writing, arithimetic(i can't spell this word), astronomy, and geometry.
for the record, "masons". what really is a mason? why would a group seeking to avoid persecution pick the title "mason" as a sanctuary? where did "masons"(real stonecutters) learn how to be masons? who designed and built all the churches? why are they positioned on focal points of the ley lines?
i'm pretty sure the "gods" were the original (grand exalted master) masons. if you read "the hiram key", you will learn that many masonic vows are spoken in ancient egyptian. probably just a coincidence.
and finally, who is the cornerstone that the builders rejected?

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 12:07 AM
Modern FreeMasonry is based on ancient cultures and is not the foundation of them. Although; Masonry is the foundation of many, if not all recent Western Civilizations.
It took ancient Eastern knowledge and called it its own; also know as supplanting. An example would be Greeks joining Khemetian Mystery Schools and then starting their own schools/secret societies and saying that they layed the foundation for this knowledge.


[Edited on 8-9-2003 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 08:52 PM
More on Thoth....

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