dgtempe, though I'm not a doctor, I have had some pretty weird allergies in my lifetime. In highschool I would go to the nurse at noon because for
no apparent reason, my entire chest and stomach were covered in either one red splotch or many large red splotches. She asked me if there were any
changes in diet so I listed the things I ate, then varied it taking one thing out each day and replacing it with somethign else. Turns out (no joke)
it was Carnation Instant Breakfast having a reaction 4 hours later:
I'm not allergic to Nonfat milk, sugar, lactose but something else caused it.
The reason why I mention it is a lot of allergies seem to be dermal, causing reaction in the skin. It may be worthwhile to check similarities in
diet, water and perhaps check out an EPA air report. My state is #1 for cancer, course we also house Du Pont, Astra Zeneca, FMC Pharmaceuticals, etc.
and we wonder why
. Ironically enough, they're all working on a cure for cancer.
Originally posted by edsinger
Well I had some bad gas that has been known to make eyes water at times but I am 3000 miles away so that can't be it.
Change in diet can help, but usually 14 times a day is normal for passing gas. Leading contributors are eggs, beans, meats, high doses of sugar,
carbonated beverages, exercise, spicy foods, and sudden changes in diet. In other words, just call an audible and you'll be fine like they did when
starting those WWI planes, "Clear!" to give fair warning to couch-passengers. Start a rating game with depth and length ("that thar was about an 8
buddy, you can do better than that") or blame it on ducks, barking spiders, leather/old furniture, pets or the kids. Don't have any of those
things? Go get an old leather couch and kids, then buy the kids some ducks and spiders as pets. Ahhh safe.
Originally posted by edsinger
If it doesn't get better go see a doc.
Best advice on the board I think.
[edit on 15-9-2005 by saint4God]