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What are Aliens? All ATS members make a choice

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posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 06:04 PM
[Edited on 9/9/2003 by SamaraMorgueAnn]

posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 06:04 PM
I think they are extraterrestrial beings from other worlds.
I also think that the human race that we know today is the result of Genetic Manipulation by extraterrestrials.

After reading some books about ancient cultures, I came to the believe that the "aliens" were here on Earth and ruled some of the old Cultures i.e. the Egyptian more than 20.000 years ago. They sure are the origin of most of the religious tales we know from the Bible and other holy writings. But I dont know what happened to them. Maybe they leaved Earth to explore other Planets or they study our Development and are still visiting us.
But I dont believe that we have a secret-underground-alien-hiding-tunnel-system here on Earth.
It just doesnt make sense to me, that a high-tech Alien culture have to hide themselves in the underground.

But I am open to all, if you have hard evidence for the underground tunnel system thing, i would like to see it. (But not the Dulce Officer report please).

posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 06:13 PM

First of all it only includes YOUR ideas of what aliens may be. How would you even know if you never met any of them? Worse scenario is how do you know which kinds you are talking about? What if there were truly cruel Aliens from different planets? And what if there were truly good Aliens from different galaxies? Who knows? Planets or galaxies. All I know is what is here and now, and you haven't even touched on that.

It doesn't matter if they are friend or foe, the poll is to see what people think they are. I just listed the ones that are most well known.
Could you explain what I haven't touched on?

posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 06:18 PM
[Edited on 9/9/2003 by SamaraMorgueAnn]

posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 06:34 PM
ASE... great pic... is there a story behind that one?
I examined it in Photoshop and it appears to me that it may be slightly doctored. There are two long black lines left over from what appears to be a bad cut and paste job on the lower left-hand side of the head (cheek to chin)... see it? Aside from that the picture seems pretty authentic, but those black lines make me skeptical. The lighting, pizelation distribution, pixel artifacts, etc... match up though. I dunno... It is possible that it's also just a head someone made out of a halloween mask kinda' thing... but it looks pretty real.

Questions about the non-photo aspects of the pic.
2. It doesn't look like the head was 'cut' off... almost like it was HACKED off... someone did a messy job of it either way.
3. What happened to this head and why hasn't it been studied? (I know your answer to this already)
4. Why doesn't that man have a shirt on... yuck...
5. Location the pic was taken?
6. Have those people been questioned about the pic?
7. Why's the guy have the head pierced with a chain? That's a little weird.
8. Where are the other pictures from the series? (there's no way someone would just take ONE picture of this)

The other question I have is reguarding the "they live in the earth" thing... I've already discussed this BS hollow-earth theory with people. It amazes me sometimes. If it's hollow... why don't people go in? Give me proof. (pic is a good start about the reptoids, but what about the fact that they live in the earth?)

Hollow Earth BS

posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 08:32 PM
I have seen that head before. I don't remember any of the details. It does look strange, even if it is a real reptoid head. The hollow earth theory might be possible, I still wonder. I believe the reptoids living underground is very real. Tons of stories out there on them.

posted on Sep, 7 2003 @ 12:23 AM
It is not my job (since I'm defending the accepted scientific thought and millions of projects have found the same truth) to defend my claim that the earth is NOT hollow... it is YOUR job (since you're trying to prove otherwise) to PROVIDE EVIDENCE to the contrary.

Same goes for Reptoids... but that pic counts a little I guess... but it is digital... and digital can be edited easily...

posted on Sep, 7 2003 @ 12:38 AM
I like that reptoid picture, but there is no background to it, I guess. Could be the work of some hollywood effects guy who made a head and drove over to somebody's house to pay them to quickly hold the head up to a camera for a snapshot.

[Edited on 7-9-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Sep, 7 2003 @ 06:47 PM
~I think that ET's come from another dimention and perhaps the fourth. You know the same dimention ghosts are in? And I think the ET's get here on earth through vortexes that have been reported before. They say that's where all those ppl from those missing person reports go? besides either murderd or some other funnny reason. I also think ET's(especially the greys) have the ability to seperate their atoms some how making them travel through walls, closets, etc. like most abductees claim they do.

~Peace and Love

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 01:41 AM
not only interdimensional but underground, some have been here since the beginning and call the earth theirs.

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by iconoclast
Please choose which statement you feel is closer to the truth. What are Aliens?

I believe that you already know what aliens are: beings that are not from this planet.
Isn't that quite obvious?or are you just trying to gain ATS points?

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 05:59 PM
Aliens are simply critters or sentient beings that we do not normally associate with existing on this earth.

That means they can be and are many different things.

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 09:29 PM
I feel that the aliens are the gods of old, the Ancient Ones, Great Old Ones, etcetera. In this, I follow Lovecraft.

I, however, would not alliegance to any race, no matter where they stood.

The more I study religions and the occult, the more I fear the return of aliens/gods, good or evil, and I would fight them with everything I have, everything I am.

One way or the other, they want us as slaves. Or, if that term is too strong, servants. I for one would die trying to be free instead of being shackled.

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:13 AM
I believe Aliens are the Anti-christ. I believe they will land and try to decieve the world into turning their backs on faith.

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

Several times in the attempt to bring order and discipline to the position of ATS members' understanding of our universe, there have been polls which appear so homo sapiens-centric, that some of us question whether the apparent level of evolution has occured in the species at all in terms of cosmological understanding.

May I remind you that it is you who are the aliens.

Don't you mean "we" are the aliens? Yes we are aliens to those outsiders yet if they are indeed visiting us, they are the aliens.

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:36 AM
I think that "aliens" are extraterrestrial beings from another planet or maybe interdimensional beings. Or both.

Another possiblity that I've conisdered is that they are from a parallel universe. Though I suppose that still makes them aliens....

I do not think that they are: 1)Demons or angels. 2)Humans from the future. 3)Manefestations of the human psyche. 4)Weather ballons and crash test dummies.

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 05:18 PM
I myself believe that some aliens are interdimensional beings who shift into our 3rd dimension and out of it into higher dimensions of existence throughout time and the way they do this is with frequencies. It's widely known that on every dimension of existence are certain frequencies that cause everything to exist. Ether is really what i've heard things are manifested by. If something emits frequencies at the same exact speed and way as the ones in 3rd dimension, it only makes sense that they would exist in our dimension. but if we change frequencies to go to the 4th dimension then we go there. people have noticed that the frequencies here are changing rapidly. we're seeing more sightings and aliens and being abducted more often. time is faster.

I also believe that aliens are probably most (if not all) the gods in ancient folklore and ancient "myths" throughout civilization. They're most prevalent in ancient cultures like Sumer, Babylon, Israel (if it did exist for as long as the bible states), Egypt, and anywhere around the middle east and far eastern regions. Some of them (particularly reptilians) are demons who use theier powers from the 4th dimension to take people over and some are angels who could be good or could be just deceiving people. If you wanna know more and get evidence for the reptilian idea, you should check out David Icke. He knows more about this than anyone on the planet most likely. He backs it up with interviews and quotes from people he's talked to who've seen people transform into reptilians, historical references (there's a lot), and much more. I've also read that people working at Dulce have seen officials turn into reptilians a lot.

I highly doubt that all aliens (greys, nordics, reptilians, pleiades, etc.) are manifestations of our mind, although I hafta say that makes a good case and convincing theory on greys. the links to it claim that greys are just another aspect of our soul trying to reach us humans. If that's the case then perhaps we're more spiritual or interdimensional than we all thought. Nordics i believe are probably are ancient ancestors who took a bunch of nordics to earth as an experiment or something like that. those Nordics on earth created lemuria and atlantis and Mu. then those civilizations fell and they spread across the earth. The greys, from my reading of david icke, may just be reptilians in suits. the reptilians are possibly dinosaurs or a race of dinosaurs who evolved into what we know today as reptoids. is a great site that gives cryptozoology evidence to the reptilians. anyone ever heard of St. Patrick? he was supposed to have been a st. for "getting rid of the snakes in ireland" but surely he couldnt' mean real snakes, now did he? Perhaps he was talking about forcing the reptilians underground or somewhere away from Ireland. If you look in one of the 5 books of Moses, you can see that the animal they looked at to get better from snake bites was in fact... a snake! the biblical devil in genesis was called a serpent who walked upright. he freed adam and eve from god's dictation and let them gain knowledge themselves.

the only 'good thing' about religion is that it keeps people under control for the elites and keeps people moral mostly so there's not as much crime. although i do believe we could be just as moral being atheists.

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 05:20 PM
never met one, or seen one so i don't know

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by MKULTRA

They are extraterrestrial beings from other worlds. 2 (100%)
2. They are the fallen angels from the bible. 0 (0%)
3. They are a subterranian reptilian race.

Surely options 1 and 2 are the same anyway?

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 10:21 AM
Some were originally extraterrestrials, some evolved on our planet. Some are hybrids. Remember there is just as much room underground as there is above ground, if you have the proper equipment. Most are probably extraterrestrials from other planets.We think something is here from another planet.

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