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The news and UFOS

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posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 01:45 AM

Ths guy (who was on Coast to Coast tonight) makes an interesting point. Why do the national news agencies drag a story about UFOs out something like 9 months after it happened only to make fun of it? Remember the Phenonix Lights? The media made a big hubbub over them nearly a year to the day after they showed up. Then, you know....the whole thing was just flares.

The ridicule factor. You see it everywhere (even on this board). It stps progress from being made on this subject.

posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 01:50 AM
I think slow, very slow progress is being made. Dr. Steven Greer's The Disclosure Project and the growing multitude of aged/retired people in the know who are now ready and willing to spill their guts may bring about full disclosure. I like to take Bob Dean's approach to this now. He felt keeping UFOs under wraps during the Cold War was ok given the threat of nuclear war, but he now seeks to get the word out openly on this subject since there is no longer any more threat other than perhaps one generated on the earthly level.

Though I think the government/NWO may pull its cards first and say that aliens are a threat.

[Edited on 6-9-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by heelstone
I think slow, very slow progress is being made. Dr. Steven Greer's The Disclosure Project and the growing multitude of aged/retired people in the know who are now ready and willing to spill their guts may bring about full disclosure.

Though I think the government/NWO may pull its cards first and say that aliens are a threat.

You know Heelstone, I hate to say it, but right now I'd take whatever I can get. I've been fascinated by the subject since I was 6 years old and I'm tired ok seeing it laughed at and ignored. As long as they admit it I'll be happy, even if they try to make the aliens look like enemies. At least I'll finally know for sure, and the world will know. I could die satisfied...

[Edited on 9/6/2003 by Flinx]

[Edited on 9/6/2003 by Flinx]

posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 02:14 AM
Yes. It would be great to even get a sliver of truth out. I just think whatever truth is presented to the press by any government will lead us into an even worse condition on this planet. I'm glad you can at least live with that. I just don't want anybody I know or myself to suffer under false pretenses. Which it seems has gone on for at least 60 years now.


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