posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 11:09 PM
If terrorists hit US, then Washington will strike their holy cites with nuclear bombs.
This is a political plot to target unfriendly regimes like Syria, Iran. President Bush said Iran is "exis of evil" nation and it is building more
nuclear plants.
They will create a major terrorist incident and blame it on Iran.
First it was Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Now it will be Mecca and Medina.
Maybe they will throw in Jerusalem as a bonus. Their 3rd holy site ?
Tehran is definately gonna get it. No way that it be allowed to build a bomb.;_ylt=Anx657qAiS58uOs.C91fZjis0NUE;_ylu=X3o'___'A3b2NibDltBHNlYwM3MTY-;_ylt=Ajb3LjTLSnHz1ZJh1wPtf96s0NUE;_ylu=X3o'___'A3b2NibDltBHNlYwM3MTY-
[edit on 10-9-2005 by mr conspiracy]