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Medical Industry Holding Back Cures for Major Diseases

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posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 11:47 AM
"AIDS is a cruel deception that is maintained because so many people are making money from it. Take away this money and the entire system of mythology will collapse."
- Charles Thomas, PhD · Former chair of the Cell Biology Department, Scripps Research Institute

A growing number of scientists world-wide have publicly denounced the total failure of the HIV/AIDS hypothesis, questioned the meaning of the "AIDS test", and criticized the use of AZT which has been proven to be a toxic poison that makes the patient sicker and is actually the cause of AIDS deaths. The group includes scientists such as Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1993 for inventing the polymerase chain reaction used to test for HIV.
- James DeMeo, Ph.D., Director of Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, and Peter H. Duesberg, Ph.D., a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley.

Info found at:

Site also provides lots of info on books on various AIDS topics and where to get them.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 11:55 AM
Over the past few decades there is proof that government agencies have repeatedly exposed people to biological agents in secret experiments authorized by government agencies. We have read about the secret radiation experiments performed on unsuspecting U.S. citizens. There are over 500 documented criminal experiments that have been performed on people without their knowledge or consent. So the idea of AIDS as a biological experiment is not without precedent.

Charges of secret and unethical experiments against helpless American citizens are not the ravings of paranoid people. On the contrary, they are serious accusations of an informed and enlightened citizenry. Military biowarfare attacks against unsuspecting Americans in the 1950s and 60s are a documented reality.

A decade ago, the idea of AIDS as a man-made disease was considered nonsense. Now the idea is frequently mentioned in the media, but the evidence for it is never discussed, and the idea is always dismissed as paranoid. Conveniently lost in the history of AIDS is the gay hepatitis B vaccine that immediately preceded the slaughter of gay Americans. Were the Ebola and Marburg viruses also created in biowarfare laboratories during the 1970's? Are significant truths being censored by science, media, and academia? This website is not the reflection of anyones' personal agenda or vendetta; it is honest journalism gleaned from the hard-earned research of impeccably-credentialed professionals. To ignore and remain in denial of this research is to make a mockery of medical science as a field of open and honest inquiry.

What follows is not theory:

Excellent information on the true beginnings of AIDS!!

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 12:58 PM

The AIDS biologic experiment is a replay of the medical terrors of Nazi Germany, but few people realize that another man-made Holocaust is occurring in front of our eyes. Dr. Strecker has astutely pointed out why the perpetrators selected gay men for the hepatitis B experiment. Because, said the doctor, they knew that NOTHING would be done since homosexuals are the most hated group in history. And the silence continues!

NEVER in the history of medicine has a viral disease EXCLUSIVELY attacked only gay men (originally). HERE, according to the doctors, is the "SMOKING GUN"......

How do you turn a black heterosexual disease in Africa into a white homosexual disease in America? How could AIDS have started in Africa and in New York City at the same time?

Quoted here are a few excerpts from the source I posted in my last post. The last is a question I'd love for ZZZ to answer: How could AIDS have started in Africa and in New York City at the same time?

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 01:18 PM
I encourage everyone to look at this document from the DOD Appropriations for 1970.....I posted it earlier, but I think it was overlooked by many. It spells out quite clearly the funding and development of AIDS by our government...

right here:

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 01:39 PM
Masive amounts of info here on the timeline of the man-made nature of AIDS:

Again, I will say this to ZZZ.....if I applied Occam's Razor to this topic, I would come up with AIDS being man-made for an answer. There is too much information, overwhelming information, to believe otherwise. The amount of information makes any other conclusion look ridiculous!

[edit on 24-9-2005 by XanaX]

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 02:01 PM
Some detailed information on the infamous Fort Detrick in Maryland:

In depth information on what has been going on there since it's beginnings in 1943......

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 02:08 PM
A large amount of US archived documents showing our work in the area of creating AIDS!


edit to add this thread which contains more info on the same matter and an interesting photograph. HIV was supposedly first photographed in 1985, but recently uncovered 1971 electron microscope photographs identical to HIV may help researchers find a cure and discover the diseases true origins.

additional info:

[edit on 24-9-2005 by XanaX]

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Tinkleflower

Originally posted by Dr Love
I agree wholeheartedly XanaX, but I think the real conspiracy lies with the FDA and not the medical industry per se. The FDA will never approve a drug that cures cancer. Therein lies the problem.

They cannot approve what does not exist.

(Once again, I'll point out a flaw here: the FDA has no jurisdiction outside of the US - and the world of medicine and drug research is certainly not limited to the US. So, who's preventing the other drug companies, the other countries, from releasing these cure-alls?)

Well as we speak, I believe the japanese are trying to get a cure for aids. Sounds great, doesn't it? Not really considering the mecical establishment is like any other business. They have to make a profit to. But, the reason why is also competition. American companies don't want foreign drug companies coming over here, or for us to have to buy there drug vaccine. To much money, when they can slowly get an aids cure here, or even steal from some other countries. So in the long run, were screwed. The rich will probally be getting that way sooner then the average poor american.

PS: And the conspiacy goes on, the government keeps making tighty whities white. Why not any other color?

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 02:53 PM

the government keeps making tighty whities white. Why not any other color?

Our government is too conservative to wear colored crundies!

With this...I think I will rest my case on AIDS being man-made. I think I've done enough research to do a masters thesis on it......

edit to say: There's no money in cures! Lots of money in maintenance!

[edit on 24-9-2005 by XanaX]

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by XanaX

NEVER in the history of medicine has a viral disease EXCLUSIVELY attacked only gay men (originally). HERE, according to the doctors, is the "SMOKING GUN"......

How do you turn a black heterosexual disease in Africa into a white homosexual disease in America? How could AIDS have started in Africa and in New York City at the same time?

Quoted here are a few excerpts from the source I posted in my last post. The last is a question I'd love for ZZZ to answer: How could AIDS have started in Africa and in New York City at the same time?

Smoking gun?

To repeat since I posted it at least twice...the best known evidence points likely that Africa was indeed the continent where AIDs first started. Now, who exactly spread the virus from Africa to America and beyond still remains a mystery (and is no "smoking gun" according to medical science.")

It is quite possible that smaller cells of infectees could have been developing in a number of different countries years before the first cases were ever officially identified, making it virtually impossible to trace one single source.

There are many very real solutions to the issue which I have posted before. Look at the social conditions of international travel at the time. Look at the medical break-thrus in the blood donation industry at the time. Look at the fact that many people in the USA were paid to donate blood attracting those desperate for money. Look at the increase in heroin availability after Vietnam and the growing sexual awareness of the time.

All much more simple and plausable conclusion than a world-wide conspiracy involving multiple countries, the United Nations, and newly found retro-viruses that were barely identified, let alone manufactured...released into New York city (where your theory now believes it started it seems) and then spread to Africa.

BTW, any dates for that statement? By 1980, HIV had spread to at least five continents (North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Australia) so how exactly does this Doctor pin it down to start in NYC?

Again, I will say this to ZZZ.....if I applied Occam's Razor to this topic, I would come up with AIDS being man-made for an answer. There is too much information, overwhelming information, to believe otherwise. The amount of information makes any other conclusion look ridiculous!

Oh, I's not the scientific information or the simplest answer (as Occam's Razor states to follow) but the AMOUNT of information you are going by to make up your mind. I could find thousands of websites that state aliens are real and I might even believe that to be true...but it doesn't MAKE it true.

Like I said, you have a prejudged verdict already and you seek out that information that states what you want to hear.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 08:40 AM

Like I said, you have a prejudged verdict already and you seek out that information that states what you want to hear.

In defense of Xanax....when one believes in a something and they are asked to prove it by people on this site, what are they supposed to do? Find information that corroborates their own belief or the belief of the person they are arguing the point with? Wouldn't it make sense to do the former?

Researching and given information on both sides, he came up with a consclusion which is HIS conclusion. Why can't you just accept that? Why must he accept your conclusion?

I think he went above and beyond the call of duty regarding the amount of research and information he provided and yet, you are constantly on his case. Why can't you just drop it?

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 09:41 AM
I have seen some interesting things about aids possibly being created by the government, as well as the government testing chemicals on unwilling human populations. Haven't really heard much about cures for diseases being held back, but would like to see any real information if anyone has it.

It really would not surprise me at all if something like this were true, as I also believe one reason illegal drugs are still illegal, is just because the pharm. companies make so much money...drugs being pushed through FDA approval without thorough testing just to get them on the market making bucks. The industry is definitely just looking for the big money to treat people and not cure them. I don't know if they are really holding a cure back though, as there is also a lot of private medical research going on, independent of the businesses and the government. I would think it would be quite hard to cover something like this up as well, so it just doesn't seem likely. Although I know the intent is there..if they could do it, they probably would.

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 01:35 PM

Like I said, you have a prejudged verdict already and you seek out that information that states what you want to hear.

Zed...excuse me, but you've been doing the exact same thing thoughout this whole thread. Why, in your mind, are the rules different for you??

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 09:08 AM
New info! Here's a link to a document from the USSR from 1986 stating their beliefs that AIDS was created by the US. It also mentions several other countries that believe the same and states there are about 40 that believe the same (this was back in 1986)...interesting stuff!

see the bottom link about Disinformation About Aids....(disinformation doesn't mean it is, it just means our government wants us to believe it is...)

Mod Edit: fix link

[edit on 2-10-2005 by sanctum]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 10:19 AM
The Existence of Hidden Medical Knowledge is Revealed

What could be more horrible than knowing cures for diseases, and hiding them? What should the penalty be the the participants in this conspiracy? Is it illegal to hide or deliberately distort knowledge about cures for diseases?

A conspiracy to keep health-promoting scientific knowledge from the public would be the most heinous in history. Consumer advocate Tim Bolen ( tells us that "We are heading to a Health Nuremberg." A world-wide, public trial of the people in medicine and the pharmaceutical industry committing acts against humanity.

An interesting book is available at the above link regarding my original topic for this thread...which is that cures are purposely being held back because people in the medical industry and pharmaceutical industry are making tons of money maintaining diseases instead of curing them. This books discusses everything I brought up prior to my going off on a tangent on AIDS!

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 12:14 PM
I did not read all of these posts.

If no laws exists to curtail this probelm then some laws doing the following need to be instated throughout all world governemets.

1. Anyone who intentionally hides or otherwise prevents creation or knowledge of cures for dibilitating or life threatening illness will get life in prison and all assets to include those left to relatives at death.

2. Any buisness or other entity that recieved benifit from above actions will be indebted ro repay benifit gained in cash.

3. Any other person who witholds or is aware of such actions and does not imediately report it to authorities should recieve same punishment.

There is no excuse at all for such actions. I would gladly flip the electric chair switch on anyone who would condone doing anything close to this. People like that do not deserve to breath air.


posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 08:51 AM

Heart disease is a 300 Billion dollar per year industry right now. Why would the people that are lining their pockets with that money want to divulge a cure? They are making too much off of maintaining the disease and as people die, fresh patients keep popping up. Maintain is the name of the game in medicine and the pharmaceutical business.

Why do you think so many medical researchers have died of questionable circumstances over the last year? Isn't it something like 50 or more? Trying to share a cure for a major disease with the world is probably a certain death sentence!

When most of a nation's money is in the hands of a few, it's impossible to have a democracy.....that was said by Brandeis, a Supreme Court Justice in the 1940's.

The medical and pharmaceutical business is in fact so arrogant, that they even are on a campaign to come up with new bogus diseases simply as a way to sell more drugs. All you have to do is watch TV for a short period of time and you get bombarded by ads for drugs. It's disgusting. Example: Acid Reflux's freaking heart burn!

(post by CemllyRios removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

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