I have nothing personall against blobby – so it’s a shame he is on the sharp end of this tirade – but I am sick of explaining the same points
over and over
[rant/on] lets deny some ignorance here
Originally posted by blobby
i beleive Nessie exists for sure but its a clever creature, i
good for you
deffinatly has become wary of Human presance around the Loch in recent times, theres been to many sightings through out history to say this
creature cant exist, its more than one too most likely a heard or familys of them
An argument from numbers ?? if we are to use the canard “ there are multiple historical reports “ – then it opens the flood gates to reviving
EVERY historic tale as “ fact “ just because it was widely reported
there are many caves that lead in and out too sea from the Loch Ness,
UTTER CRAP . i am sick of having to re iterate this point there are no caves linking the loch to the sea , the surface of the loch is 17 [ seventeen
] metres above mean sea level
If there was a underground passage linking the loch ot the north sea – it would drain the loch down to sea level – in short order –
The Caledonian canal [ north end ] has 4 sets of locks – which boats must navigate to go from the beualy firth to the loch
The river ness has 5 wiers .and 4 bridges . any large creature cannot just migrate up and down the R.ness with impunity -
who knows maybe they live in caves and surface rarely.
[added sarcasm] maybee it lives in the land if narnia – and travels too and from that ream to the loch via the wardrobe that ` mad jock ` threw in
there in a fit of pique [/added sarcasm]
Has the caves of Loch Ness been explored properly?
the " caves of the loch " do not even exist -- so surveying them is a wee bit difficult
the geology of the great glen is igneous rocks , not condusive to the formation of caves
has this point hit home yet ??
but as always – as it is near imposilble for me to “ prove the negative “ – in support of my contention that there are no caves .
it is incumbent on the claimant who wishes to state that caves exist to provide the survey data that charts them .
in plain English – put up or shut up
Whats needed is 24/7 all year round survalance of the Loch on a big scale,
this hasz been done , repeatedly over the years - starting with the LNIB and various academic institutions , IIRC the longest was a 6 month survey
monitoring the loch 24/7
also the Loch waters have odd properties
Yes they do , the acidity , visibility , , suspended solids , depth , thermal layers etc etc all combine to be a major hinderance to a quick and easy
attempt to located a cryptid in the loch
But what are you actually claiming with this point ?
The properties of the loch work both ways , for example : The oxygen deficient lower reaches of the loch are almost sterile [ devoid of life ] and
certainly inhospitable to a LARGE creature with gills
And SHOULD have preserved the carcases of many generations of creatures – had they died and sunk to the bottom
theres a WW2 plane down there and it has been preserved like it crashed yesterday.
Is there ???
That’s a new one on me ,
Can you cite this event please – I have just looked up my big list of crash locations in the UK during the war – and while several went down in
Inverness shire – NONE are credited as being in the loch itself .
[edit on 26-4-2006 by ignorant_ape]
[edit on 26-4-2006 by ignorant_ape]
[edit on 26-4-2006 by ignorant_ape]