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armed mexicans

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posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 08:52 AM
this was taken from a email I just got from my brother.whats next letting mexico totaly take over? iso now not only can mexico steal us blind now they can have guns Sept. 8 7:30pm CDT -- As the White House unsuccessfully insists on seizing control of the Louisiana National Guard to institute full-blown martial law in New Orleans, it has brought in foreign troops moving on the Western and Eastern borders of the state.

Washington Post /AP Thursday, September 8, 2005; 4:31 PM is peddling the government line that the soldiers are unarmed, but does note that the Mexican Navy has brought hardware to the Mississippi Gulf Coast:
LAREDO, Texas -- A Mexican army convoy of nearly 200 people crossed the border into the United States on Thursday to bring aid to victims of Hurricane Katrina, becoming the first Mexican military unit to operate on U.S. soil since 1846.

Mexico's first disaster aid mission to the United States was greeted at the border by dignitaries from both countries.
The Mexican government already was planning another 12-vehicle aid convoy for this week. It has sent a Mexican navy ship toward the Mississippi coast with rescue vehicles and helicopters.
But Alex Jones is reporting from several sources the troops in Texas are armed! From :
Two separate credible sources known to Alex Jones have reported that armed combat ready Mexican troops have entered Texas.

The Associated Press reported today that unarmed Mexican troops were being escorted by the US army to help relief efforts for hurricane Katrina.

However, the report was only specific to one convoy. The convoys reported to Alex Jones are said to be fully armed with Heckler & Koch German assault rifles.

The first sighting occurred at 12:30 on Highway 183 traveling towards Austin. The eyewitness described at least ten vehicles, four jeeps (other witnesses described them as Humvees) and six combat trucks brimming with armed Mexican troops wearing body armor, helmets and rifles. The troops riding in the jeeps were wearing holstered hand guns.

The vehicles were not being escorted by the US army or any other government vehicles and the vehicles were festooned with insignia reading 'Mexico MP's' and the Mexican flag.

The second sighting of a similar nature occurred north of Austin on I35 near Georgetown Texas.

The following Louisiana authorities must be alerted about the threat of armed foreign troops brought into the country by the Bush Administration.

Gov. Kathleen Blanco: 1-866.310.7617, (225) 342-0991, (225) 342-7015 or (225) 925-1938.

Louisiana State Police: (225) 925-4755, (225) 925-6118,

Louisiana National Guard: 225-925-7524.

Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness: 225-925-7500

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 08:57 AM
Has bush lost his freaking mind?
he is allowing foreign troops, armed no less, onto american soil
Im at a loss for words, other then im thinking of starting a convoy directly from mexico to the crawford ranch for illegals.

[edit on 9-9-2005 by Rikimaru]

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 08:59 AM
I don’t know where to start with this.

First up, "mexicans" and "mexico" should be capitalized.

Secondly, I don’t like the border situation between the states and Mexico either, but when you say things like:

what’s next letting mexico totaly take over? iso now not only can mexico steal us blind now they can have guns
You don’t represent your country very well.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by skippytjc
I don’t know where to start with this.

First up, "mexicans" and "mexico" should be capitalized.

Secondly, I don’t like the border situation between the states and Mexico either, but when you say things like:

what’s next letting mexico totaly take over? iso now not only can mexico steal us blind now they can have guns
You don’t represent your country very well.

And you do represent your country well skipp???, lay off the lsd skipp.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by motionknight

And you do represent your country well skipp???, lay off the lsd skipp.

Yes I do.

And you may want to drop the crack pipe for a sec to get some clarity. Also: Care to comment on the topic? Oh yes, you dont do that, you just spread hate...

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by deadcatsrule
this was taken from a email I just got from my brother.whats next letting mexico totaly take over? iso now not only can mexico steal us blind now they can have guns

What exactly would they be stealing 'blind' in the areas affected most by disaster? As far as 'what's next' I think that is a question you need to ask your own government.

Whatever is next WILL be determined by them. Not by you and certainly not by Mexico, who volunteered to help the US.

Have some respect and courtesy.

[edit on 9-9-2005 by nikelbee]

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by skippytjc
I don’t know where to start with this.

First up, "mexicans" and "mexico" should be capitalized.

Secondly, I don’t like the border situation between the states and Mexico either, but when you say things like:

what’s next letting mexico totaly take over? iso now not only can mexico steal us blind now they can have guns
You don’t represent your country very well.

what can I say .but you should look at this from my point of view.I live in a small mid Indiana town with a pop.of 1900 or so right now that is also about 900 being illegal mexicans.They go and get food stampa from IN then go to IL and OH and get more.I was inline at a local store to cash my pay check ,behind a mexican,he was cashing a paycheck for $800 and sending $700 to mexico.He dropped his food stamp card trying to find his "I.D" they cashed his check.I get up there to cash mine and they refuse to because my check was from a out of state bank.At the time I worked for the largest grain company in the world,you now a 100 year old company.They are driving cars with no insurance,no licence ,and are let go.I had to serve 90 days in a county jail for no licence.and $300 fine for no licence..I just hate to goto work every day just to see my tax dollors goto mexico.If I thought that "mexico and mexicans"deserved to be in capital letters I would have done so

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 09:52 AM
I can understand what you are trying to say but there is a difference between the aid that Mexico has sent into the US to help with the Katrina aftermath, and the problems that plague the US by the illegal immigrants.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 09:52 AM
I know what you are saying. Here in Texas illegal immigrants are granted state tuition fees in colleges, while Oklahoma residents have to pay double the amount. Still that's not what this thread is about. If we focus on the illegal immigrant problem, then we will miss the issue here. Why do we have armed troops from other countries wandering about our state?

I heard them mention this on the radio this morning, and the news-caster pointed out that they were spending the night in San Antonio, near the Alamo. Did you hear that? Mexican troops near the Alamo! Now that's good journalism. It does seem really odd hearing that.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 09:53 AM
Foreign troops on American soil. Now whats wrong with this picture?

Is this a good will gesture on Mexicos part or did "W" invite them.

As if the borders arn't porus enough, why even make a pretense of havinvg adivision between US and Mexico. This is IMO the writing on the wall.

What favors will be granted these troops? Will they be added to the 'peACEKEEPING" force in the south?

Should any and all troops from just about any country be allowed in as long as they are helping with the Katrina aftermath.

This is a conspiracy site and I smell a new one and it STINKS.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:01 AM
I say let the Mexicans use those guns to change their own nation. Chickensheets over there but brave here.

Yes, Bush HAS lost his last brain cell.
I keep saying nothing is the way it appears. There you have it.
On one hand we're trying (the citizens, not Bush) to get rid of the illegals, on the other hand, here they are to save us.

Ay Dios Mio.

[edit on 9-9-2005 by dgtempe]

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:03 AM
OK point taken .but if they are letting mexico 's army in with guns who's next? what if Iran offers to send help? How can you use guns to clean up?

[edit on 9-9-2005 by deadcatsrule]

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:04 AM
I really dont see what you are complaining about..... Mexico has offered help to the US in its time of need, and you are already thinking somethink untoward is going on. Have you not ever thought that Mexico are simply trying to help? I really doubt that by having troops from Mexico in America will pose a threat to supposedly the worlds major super power, it will not happen. America are too powerful to be worrying about that, and if you think about it, if America were competant enough to deal with a natural disaster themselves, then maybe Mexico wouldnt be in at all. And by people commenting on the refugee situation, picture yourself as one of them people. wanting a place to be safe, and to bring up your family in a safe and secure environment. Wouldnt you want that for your family?

"Our True Nationality is Mankind"

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:05 AM
Conspirator, you bring tears to my eyes. If only it were so...

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:09 AM
I think what we are seeing here is sample taster of major problems in America falling down in front of your eyes: racism, poverty, ignorance of poverty, apathy, failure of federal government to help in times of need, health care problems, education, incomptence, finger pointing, distrust, funding, over funding, war in Iraq and now the problems of illegal immigration are also rearing their ugly heads.

I hear what some of you are saying - but the problems of immigration are in part to do with the goverment not being able to stem them. You can't apply the same logic to Mexico who has offered help and is coming in like the calvary to aid because your own country cannot or will not.

Don't you find that ironic?

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:11 AM
think about it there are 10's of 1000's of mexicans here now add millitary leadership to that .Sleeper cells? mexico could take over.Well they can take down helicopters with rocks.!

[edit on 9-9-2005 by deadcatsrule]

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:12 AM
If you think Mexico can take over America you better be hoping the US pulls out of Iraq fast.

You are kidding right?

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:32 AM
look at some of these links and think to your self they are not taking over

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by deadcatsrule
think about it there are 10's of 1000's of mexicans here now add millitary leadership to that .Sleeper cells? mexico could take over.Well they can take down helicopters with rocks.!

[edit on 9-9-2005 by deadcatsrule]

Being a citizen and having mexican blood mixed with salvadorian blood i know how it is first off mexico and the goverment alot of them are corrupt.
The cartels in mexico have a better chance honestly of doing any damage to the us not because mexico's army sucks but because runs in more than one country.In the mexican national anthem it says to fight to the death to the sounds of cannons and alot of mexicans ive met have that mentality. short and simple since im not making that much sense is mexicans take care of things alot diffrent in there country than here killing criminals instead of sending them to jail and at the same time criminals buying there way out.... but wait a minute they also do that here.... hmm if you think about it everything they have we have even crazy millitia units. i know alot of mexicans with out insurance who had hit people and ran. i wish to god they would be caught and shot for being the cowards they are in the leg :-)
i also find it sick that immigrants not mexicans all immigrants get more benefits than i food stamps medical treatment food utility payment help. im tired of immigrants making me look bad by stealing running away from accidents things like that alot of them here in tx that do that are hispanic and it just hurts our people in whole. at least we dont go columbine and kill the whole school thats another discussion. i dont care if i have bad grammar i am all that because i know my grammar who cares if people worrie about the corrupment of our goverment as much as they did on grammar then only god knows where we would be.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 12:26 PM
Hey, deadcats, what's with all the hate mongering? If you have a problem with illegal immigration (which obviously you do) save if for another thread dealing with that issue.

As for Mexico lending the US a helping hand in our time of need, I say wonderful! We obviously can use all the help we can get at this point! And in case you need any geographical reference, Mexico is in much closer proximity to the Gulf Coast than any other country in the world. Thus, it would make sense that the quickest way for them to offer assistance is through their military tatical units.

By the way, these troops are going through immigration inspections before being allowed on US soil. As for the soldiers being armed, it wouldn't surprise me if they were. I mean do we deploy unarmed troops to disaster areas in other countries?

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