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Grant Cameron bocked from entering the United States!!!

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posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 07:05 PM
Grant Cameron is a Canadian UFO researcher who was supposed to speak at the recent National UFO Conference in L.A. about UFO Crash Retrievals and the American Government's Policy of Denial in the Interest of National Security. You might now Grant Cameron because he runs Go to this link and read. Interesting...

Linda Moulton Howe
Reporter and Editor
Science and Environment News Contributor
Premiere Radio Networks
and Dreamland Online

[edit on 8-9-2005 by meshuggah1324]

[edit on 8-9-2005 by meshuggah1324]

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 07:32 PM
(watcha testin'?)

It does seem that it's a valid reason to exclude someone; the fact that he'd come here without a permit before isn't really the point.

You always have, generally, needed permission to enter for that purpose.

Honestly? The last times he was able to do that - he got lucky. Strictly speaking, if he was receiving payment for services like that, he shouldn't have been able to enter without the corret paperwork.

This isn't a new law

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 07:35 PM
I know, but it sucks he didn't make the conference because he's spoken with a lot of people and knows a lot. Anyone go or know someone who went to that conference in L.A. recently?

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 07:44 PM
It does suck a bit, but the moral of the story is...

Get thou's paperwork sorted before thou hops on the plane

I'd give it a few days; someone somewhere will post a synopsis, or details from the event. Just keep googling'll turn up eventually.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 07:46 PM
Well with today's technology, he would have little trouble conducting a video lecture, question and answer session, and so on from the comfort of his own home. And still get paid!

I'm no UFO expert, so I don't know of the guy personally. But assuming he is as knowledgeable as the original poster said, I would hope that him not being able to enter the country wouldn't prevent him from reaching out to us in the US by other means.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 07:59 PM
Great points, Rasputin!!!

He should have no problem getting his message out.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 08:15 PM
What a syncronicity for me! I just finished reading an article-interview with him (here: under The Grant Cameron Interview ) I had never heard of him before I read this article today. I too am aware that they are heavily enforcing the laws which allow people into the states. Many journalists from other countries are finding this out the hard way, as Mr Cameron has.

I do hope that he does participate via satilite or some other means, as I found his interview to be compelling and informative.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 06:48 PM
I read that article and I have to say I do like this guy.

He presents his ideas logically, does not evade hard questions, very interesting overall.

I think his perspective on disinformation is very accurate. Nothing new to me there, but he puts it all together well.


posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 09:53 PM
The treatment Cameron received at the airport is of typical ridicule. No surprise there.

But I find it odd that his email and cell phone messages at the time were oh so conveniently not working. What is up with that? Coincidence? I can think of about 5 different conspiracy theories off the top of my head to explain that.

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Meteor_of_War
The treatment Cameron received at the airport is of typical ridicule. No surprise there.

It's also typical for people who fail to file the right paperwork to expect officials to buy the excuses and let 'em come in anyway.

Sorry, the blame here lies on his own failure to abide by the rules.


posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 03:45 PM
I think it is ridiculous that our Government is willing to block Canadian researchers for not having a work permit to speak, while it practically invites people to walk into the country from the South to work illegally for less wages and zero documentation!

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
I think it is ridiculous that our Government is willing to block Canadian researchers for not having a work permit to speak, while it practically invites people to walk into the country from the South to work illegally for less wages and zero documentation!

Perhaps if INS were allocated adequate funding, we wouldn't have such a problem with undocumented aliens.

I think it's ridiculous that such a professional journalist thought he could get away with not having the correct visa....

But that's just me

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Tinkleflower

Perhaps if INS were allocated adequate funding, we wouldn't have such a problem with undocumented aliens.

INS is part of the problem , in that INS routinely refuses to do its Job. Throwing more money at in inept institution , isn't much of a solution.

I think it's ridiculous that such a professional journalist thought he could get away with not having the correct visa....

But that's just me

We have always had an open border policy with Canada until recently.

He didn't have a problem with his Visa , he was refused entry into the country because he didn't get a Work permit to speak at a venue that had charged admission fees!

What a crock !

[edit on 10-9-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Tinkleflower

It's also typical for people who fail to file the right paperwork to expect officials to buy the excuses and let 'em come in anyway.

Sorry, the blame here lies on his own failure to abide by the rules.


For such a cute little username you sure show some insensitive thinking.
Having the proper papers to enter the country or not, that kind of treatment is unnecessary and sad to see coming from a government authority figure and I see no excuse for or reason to defend it.

But let's get to the more important issue here...

If Grant Cameron was allowed to enter the country many times in the past but denied entry this time because he didnt have the right papers can (IMO) only mean one of two things--either they finally became privy to this problem because of Cameron's increased popularity from national attention of the History Channel show, OR he was intentionally targeted and tracked by Homeland Security because of the show's subject matter.

It is with little doubt to me that he is having more trouble entering the country now because he's gotten more popular due to the History Channel show.

Which brings this question to my mind, what do they have to hide?

[edit on 10/9/05 by Meteor_of_War]

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Meteor_of_War
For such a cute little username you sure show some insensitive thinking.
Having the proper papers to enter the country or not, that kind of treatment is unnecessary and sad to see coming from a government authority figure and I see no excuse for or reason to defend it

Nope, I wasn't defending the rudeness. I was defending that it's somehow the government's fault that he was refused entry. That's all

(thanks, btw. If you knew the origin of the nick, you might think twice though

But let's get to the more important issue here...

If Grant Cameron was allowed to enter the country many times in the past but denied entry this time because he didnt have the right papers can (IMO) only mean one of two things--either they finally became privy to this problem because of Cameron's increased popularity from national attention of the History Channel show, OR he was intentionally targeted and tracked by Homeland Security because of the show's subject matter.

Two things.

Firstly, it appears that he didn't have a multiple entry visa, the presence of which would make the point moot and we wouldn't be having this conversation. Because he didn't though, he'd need new paperwork each and every time, and his past visits would actually become moot once again, assuming he'd had the right documentation during previous visits.

Moreover though, there's a Door #3:

He could simply have been lucky (if he hadn't had the right visa), and hit the not-so-attentive immigration inspectors during those initial visits, and this time, happened to end up seeing one who was more on the ball. Assuming, of course, that he actually told the truth at the time, too...

It happens. Happened to me once or twice (note: I wasn't doing anything illegal, or wrong - just was questioned more closely on some days than on others).

It is with little doubt to me that he is having more trouble entering the country now because he's gotten more popular due to the History Channel show.

Perhaps. It just seems the least likely of the possibilities, knowing exactly how many people do visit the US at any given time, and how many Immigration inspectors actually have to deal with.

He's just not that important. *shrug*

[edit on 10-9-2005 by Tinkleflower]

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 06:25 PM
I have to admit it is certainly a very likely possibility that he just ran into the better immigration inspectors this time. But I cant agree it is the most likely scenario.

I wish I knew how many times Cameron's traveled to the U.S. in the past without being stopped, because it would help me make this point if he has done so many, many times. I just find it to be a pretty big coincidence that they'd finally stop him now, that's all I'm saying really. We could of course always choose to just accept the most conventional explanation, like you have done. But I choose not to ignore the other, less likely ones and keep them open as possible.

Also, as for him not being that important, just think what if all that information on the presidents and UFOs is true? I think he'd be pretty important then

BTW, if you dont mind me asking, what is the origin of your nick?

[edit on 10/9/05 by Meteor_of_War]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 08:10 PM
I think I have to go with TinkleFlower on this one, the way things are today anyone without perfect paperwork is going to find it difficult to gain entry. Unless of course they prefer to walk up from Mexico, which I agree is a shameful situation.

I took a trip to Jamaica not too long ago and I had some problems because of a tiny flaw in my paperwork.

The more well-known a UFO researcher becomes, the less likely that something so visible will be done to hinder them. A secret discredit campaign is possible but any sort of official order to block entry makes people ask questions.

And Tink... based on what you said about your nick, and applying a little deduction leads me to an image I could really have done without.


[edit on 9/11/05 by Alexander Tau]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:01 PM

I've got perfect paperwork, and even I have to indulge the occasional over-zealous inspector.

Then again, with the situation being what it is, I'd rather they were over-zealous than apathetic.

And..uh...well, yes. My nick is what it is...I'd plead the 5th, but as I'm not yet a citizen, I don't really get to do that...

(besides. He did ask. Be thankful I pm'd him the story

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