posted on May, 11 2006 @ 09:50 PM
What I have trouble understanding is why the church is busy prosecuting the Harry Potter books that deal with witches when, in my opinion they
should be prosecuting the idea of having the Da Vinci Code as a movie.
Why not get over the Harry Potter business and get to the more imortant issues. If most of you who are degrading the HP books by saying your religion
won't allow it because of racism and witches, why does your religion not even flinch when the movie, The DV Code, will be bringing even more
controversy for the Catholic Church and when the other book, Angels and Demons, is implying Jesus was a flesh and blood human being and not
that of the holy father, not to mention the fact (in the books) that Mary Magdalene (the prostitute) actually married Jesus, or rather had a sexual
relationship with Christ.
Hmm? Think about that.
I'm not catholic and I realize that these books are just for entertainment and the craze of these books aren't any worse then pretending you are a
Jedi and that the force exists.
Either way, everything I've mentioned is an issue for the those who seem to argue that the only problem, is that the best selling book is a
book of witches, wizards and magic spells.
Oh! And if you have a problem with these books and exposing them to kids or yourself, just don't buy them or mention them in polite conversation. Who
are you to take matters into your own hands and tell the world they aren't allowed to read such things? Just get over it and find something
else to talk about in order to get publicity for your own religions and self-funded churches.
[edit on 11-5-2006 by Prudens Emissarius]