posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 12:13 AM
Since what we are talking about is an electronic device I do not think it would be that difficult to affect it in the manner you describe.
However I agree with those here that say if you wish to be sure you have to approach logically. I see this sort of thing all the time, something odd
happens and people just jump to the conculsion that the answer involves some sort of Psi event, usually, they are wrong.
If you want to know then you need to study the events carefully. Make notes, test the idea. However to do this you have to first examine yourself. The
reason many times that this sort of research fails is not because there is nothing to the event but rather our own fear that there is something Psi
going on.
Before you start, sit yourself down when you are feeling strong, not tired or upset, or anything of the sort. Clear your mind for a couple of minutes
and then ask yourself the following question: What if this is real?
Then consider carefully what you feel about it. It is easy to say 'Sure I can handle it' but what I am talking about is what you, deep down in your
guts, really feel. If you find even a trace of fear, then you first have to deal with that. If you do not then I can almost promise you that your
tests will indeed fail.
If you are really sure you can handle the results, then you are ready to test what you think is happening. If not, then work on that for a while
first. Explore why you are afraid of this and see if you can change that.
Good Luck.