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Bow to Queen Sheila, you serfs!

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posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 08:18 PM
Some of you may be aware of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's outrageous behavior, but for those of you who are not, hang on to your hats! This woman is unbelievable, and should be dismissed!

september 3, 2003

Airline makes room for Lee

Members of Congress often use weekend plane trips back to their districts as a way to unwind after a hectic bout of lawmaking. Which could explain why Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) demanded a whole row of seats to herself on a recent Continental flight from Washington to Houston.

Jackson Lee usually gets first-class upgrades from the airline. But on this particular flight first class was full. After cabin attendants delivered the bad news and showed her to the coach section, Jackson Lee exploded, said one witness.

�When she saw that she had to sit with other people, she started shouting that she was in Congress and worked hard. She was really loud. Everybody in the plane could hear.�

Frequent flyers say that such outbursts are common whenever Jackson Lee is on board. The Continental crew seemed to take the whole situation in stride. Attendants scurried around to find her other accommodations, and once Jackson Lee got her own row of seats she quieted down.

Later in the flight she even paid a friendly visit to the people she had refused to sit with. According to a nearby passenger, Jackson Lee �handed out her business cards and invited them to stop by her office.�

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 08:20 PM
More on this fine piece of work. What say ye, Texans?

[Edited on 5-9-2003 by Thomas Crowne]


posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 08:35 PM
I don't think I could have resisted spitting on her business card and throwing it in her frickin' face. Then I would have tripped her as she passed by.

What an ass.

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 10:07 PM
Oh Sheila (pun intended). That's my representative!!!

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 10:23 PM
Being an airline employee it is unfortunate to say that this behavior is commonplace by members of congress and other government officials. Max Cleland is the worst.
But no offense to the black community but the worst I have dealt personally is Coretta Scott King. She does the same thing. If there is not first class available she will demand that no one sit next to her or even look at her. She is very demanding. I don't know what causes this but it happens all the time. This lady in Texas seems tame compared to some of them who wouldn't condescend to speak to another passenger.


[Edited on 5-9-2003 by MarkosOrrealus]

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 05:49 AM
Well, I suppose I'll try that next time I fly. I'll demand that nothing but beautiful women who like drinking beer sit next to me.
It kills me that Continental, or anyone else, would cater to such demands.
If you ask me, everyone in the plane should yell in unison, "Have a nice, hot cup of Shut The Heck Up, and sit!!"

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 08:11 AM
Ok, Congresspeople get paid 150K+ a year in salary, not even counting their bribes (oops, I'm sorry, campaign contributions). They can afford to PAY for such upgrades if they want them! # 'em! As a frequent flier, who earns the right to upgrade, because I do so much flying with a carrier, I would be pissed if I didn't get my upgrade just because a congresswoman was on the same flight. I think I'd purposefully have to spill a drink on her, at the very least...getting "airsick" if it was more possible...

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 08:16 AM
Hey, look, her behavior is unexcusable but then again, many "celeberties." My friend is a flight attendant for Delta and she sees it a lot but she said The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin were cool. They drank beer and cracked jokes.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 08:18 AM
Yes, but more likely than not, they PAID for their seats, not demanded an upgrade....

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 08:21 AM
Ok, true enough, I have to admit that some of the actions of black leaders that I have heard are unbecoming. I did see Rosa Parks once. She was nice and they gave her first class without her even asking.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 08:57 AM
I don't think this is an issue of race and I don't think their behavior reflects badly on black people. I think it reflects badly on all the elitist in Congress and the Senate who are getting way to used to doing what they want and following the agendas of thier special interests groups and forgeting that the only thing that separates them from the people they be-little is their own perception of themselves.

I know that many times, people on this board refer to corperate businessmen as the "rich" or the elite but the truth is, the real rich and elite reside in Washington D.C. feeding like fat leaches off the hard work of the very Americans they demonize. They do no work or risk any capital for the money they so carelessly waste and it becomes apparent that they deem themselves as "entitled" whether they are actually deserving or not. This what such behavior and distain for the people they are supposed to be dedicated to serving reflects. I don't find it a suprise and its what I've been talking about all along on this board.

The Rock and Steve Austin most likely were cool because they work and train hard for their money and even though they have found a business they can excel in which also happens to make them money, they still don't feel the need to put someone else below them to feel good about themselves.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 09:12 AM

Later in the flight she even paid a friendly visit to the people she had refused to sit with.

A case of PMS ?

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Colonel
Ok, true enough, I have to admit that some of the actions of black leaders that I have heard are unbecoming. I did see Rosa Parks once. She was nice and they gave her first class without her even asking.

What the heck does race have to do with it? You need to quit viewing the world in such manner. Man, I'm glad I don't suffer from that malady!
Queen Lee is a servant of the people, not a member of the royalty we constitutionally do not have here (As an Esquire, you understand that!:lol
. She should be schooled on this matter, and her attitude should be corrected.

There are other issues of the same type, and it isn't on the federal level. Right now, I'm livid over a state-level issue. My doofus governor is wanting us to vote for a tax package Sep 9th that means higher taxes, while I steadily see state-owned Crown Victorias and Gran Marquis' tearing up and down the highways. Our school superindendants make 6-digit salaries while the students have to supply things such as toilet paper because the schools are allegedly underfunded. I have a newsflash for those elitest swine, I'm downright sick of them and their whole botching of the situation!

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 02:43 PM
Having met numerous electeds over the last five years, it's really hit or miss with them. I find that they fit into three groups. Congressmembers are a very very egotistical bunch for the most part, and so are some of the senators. The three groups are the "my # don't stink group" with wonderful members like Hillary Clinton, the "Just another guy" group like Rudy Giuliani (if you actually talk to him in person), who I had a half hour conversation with about our mutual love for the Yankees. And the "I'm on another planet" group, like State Sen Ada Smith of NY who has bitten people and throw meat cleavers at aides, or NY Congressman Major Owens who has been walking around in a fog doing nothing in congress for 20 years.

They're a pretty diverse group of people, and boy oh boy do they have their share of headcases.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 02:54 PM
I met Sheila Jackson Lee in Eckerds once. She was pushing a shopping cart like everyone else. No security or anything. Maybe she just doesn't like flying??

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 03:00 PM
No, frequent fliers loathe coach, hehe....

1. Less room
2. Takes longer to get out of the plane (means less time between connections)
3. You get treated like a human in First...

I did see Rosa Parks once. She was nice and they gave her first class without her even asking.

*bites his lip, on the urge to say a joke here....

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Djarums
Having met numerous electeds over the last five years, it's really hit or miss with them. I find that they fit into three groups. Congressmembers are a very very egotistical bunch for the most part, and so are some of the senators. The three groups are the "my # don't stink group" with wonderful members like Hillary Clinton, the "Just another guy" group like Rudy Giuliani (if you actually talk to him in person), who I had a half hour conversation with about our mutual love for the Yankees. And the "I'm on another planet" group, like State Sen Ada Smith of NY who has bitten people and throw meat cleavers at aides, or NY Congressman Major Owens who has been walking around in a fog doing nothing in congress for 20 years.

They're a pretty diverse group of people, and boy oh boy do they have their share of headcases.

I swear, you crack me up!!

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