posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 01:02 AM
Following the different discussions for a while one thing crossed my mind.
Is anybody aware that leveys can't be made to last forever? No matter how high you build 'em there's always a chance they break ore get overrun by
a superstorm.....Here in Holland it's no secret and the government knows it. It's a matter of chance, once every 150 years, so that could be next
year or even next week.
In the case of NOLA there have been made huge mistakes, I admit. But no government can give the reassurance this can't happen again as they rebuild
and reenforce them. Never believe you can get put a halt to nature.
What were the chances a hurricane of this magnitude would hit NO?
By the way, why are discussions slowly focussing on NO, the situation is bad over there, but wasn't this spreaded over 3 states and isn't help
needed somewhere else also?