posted on Sep, 20 2003 @ 01:48 AM
First and FOREMOST, upon completion of a devout regimen of fasting and meditation I have decided that Masked Avatar in, in FACT, NOT Simon...
Second... The points system here at ATS is derived from the same model that promulgates the "Fair Isacson Compilation Observation" or "FICO Score"
as it is called in the biz lingo. This is also known as your "Credit Score" which has almighty powers over your life IF you live in the U.S. Powers
that can either get you that dream job or deny you that dream job.
You talk about a CONSPIRACY!!!!!! Here's one that affects our EVERYDAY lives (again, US only) that NOBODY can detail!
The original programmers of the "observation" are at a LOSS to explain to Federal regulators how someone's "score" is promulgated!!!! In an
attempt to make it "hack proof" they instilled some sort of artificial intelligence into the code and it took off on its OWN tragectory!
SERIOUS! the ONLY thing ANYBODY knows for sure is what REDUCES your score!
The governing powers here at ATS decided this was the BEST option for ATS POINT calculations because it obliterated ANY possibility of the
Transvestite from Wylie, Tx messing with the currency! (ALL of this post that applies to ATS is B.S. Of course but the F.I.C.O. stuff is TRUE!)