posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 03:57 PM
The much vaunted HAARP technology had nothing to do with Katrina, the pattern is 'NORMAL' and after 30 + years of dodging the 'bullet' so to
speak, we got smacked. The U.S. is spread much too thin with Iraq and North Korea to have intentionally fired up HAARP, for a disaster drill. Now
the tsunami in Indonesia, that is much more like what HAARP would do.
Since abductees are encoded with a beacon, it's doubtful that the displacement of abductees from that area would represent any issues for the
technology that Aliens are using to track them with.
The more pointed question is after our 'primal display' in the wake of Katrina, would aliens be less likely to continue 'monitoring' our
activities seeing how quickly we de-evolve into the hunter/gatherers we were 15,000 short years ago?