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EU to give China clean-burning coal station to fight climate change

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posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 04:40 PM
China is set to become a very major contributer to global warming because of their fast growing economy and large industries.

China currently gets most of their energy from coal burning plants which generate greenhouse gases. This donation of a clean coal plant by the EU, which the Chinese can use as a model to build additional plants, should reduce future amounts of greenhouse gases.


The European Union is to give China a clean-burning coal power plant to help it do more to curb carbon emissions and fight global warming, under a deal signed Monday at the EU-China summit in Beijing.

The two sides signed a joint declaration on climate change that calls for a "partnership" to enable more cooperation and dialogue on clean energy and sustainable development.

It will see the Europeans give China a coal-fired power plant that emits relatively small amounts of greenhouse gases, giving Chinese engineers a model to copy when they build their own power stations.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 07:18 PM
Is this really a solution? I mean can you really make a cleaner plant? One that produces less CO2? I know you can make them produce less coal dust. Would one plant really make a difference?

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 07:21 PM
The idea is to give them a working model that they can copy and use everywhere.

It will help, yes.

Not as much as stopping the coal use, but it's something.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 02:52 AM
Wood pellet stoves have always been a popular items with our members but it was more for aesthetics than actually saving money. With the uncertainty of oil and natural gas prices, more of our members are buying wood pellet stoves to save money,” said Sara Shragal of Direct Buy, the leading members-only showroom and home design center. “What’s even more interesting has been the popularity of coal-burning stoves with the advent of clean-burning anthracite coal.

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