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gas prices could help disclosure

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posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 10:37 PM
If you have done your research on alien technolegy you would come to the conculsion that the U.S has the ability to transfer oil energy to something more alien. (energy used from a miniture black hole). Of course this would be something that would change our our status as a superpower. Katrina has destoyed our oil refinery proccessing cabalities in ther gulf of mexico for at least a couple of months. Thoughts?

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 11:00 PM
Katrina, has just made the US govenment and its private contracters $$$$$$$$$. After all who do you think will be rebuilding the damged cities ? One word HAARP.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by helium3
Katrina, has just made the US govenment and its private contracters $$$$$$$$$. After all who do you think will be rebuilding the damged cities ? One word HAARP.

Yup. Such a shame about it being New Orleans though.. such a beautifull, historical city. Always wanted to go there, so I hope they can get it back on track soon.

Couldn't it have Hit Bush's ranch?

Don't you love how he's cutting his 5 week holiday back in light of these events? 2 days?

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 11:25 PM
I'd say bush's house would have sub levels underground that the bushes could retreat to.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 11:42 PM
im sorry but going underground to escape a flood is retarded. the president would have helicopters to escort him to air force one at the first sign of flooding in the area.

haarp might have caused the weather anomalies (im not a meterologist or haarp expert thou), but why would bush want to hurt his own oil production? IFFF this was an attack by a secret weapon, it makes more sense that it was someone else.
even the extra contractor money wouldnt help bush's cabal more than the increased reliance on foreign imports (we lost 20 oil drills 9 refineries) , the loss of their own oil monies, and the weakening of the american economic power base. Waay offsets. Even if its a slash and burn op.

[edit on 2005-9-1 by NuTroll]

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by NuTroll
im sorry but going underground to escape a flood is retarded. the president would have helicopters to escort him to air force one at the first sign of flooding in the area.

I know it is !! But who said the underground levels was to escape a floods ? Who really knows how the oil game is played....One thing is for sure you would think after the US has gained control over most of the
worlds oil supplys why in hell does the petrol prices GO THROUGH THE ROOF ?. I think it has more to do with if the US controls the worlds oil supplys who can start wars ? Tanks dont run on hopes and dreams my friends.

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 12:48 AM
Being from New Orleans i can safely say that it won't be running again for quite a few months considering the only people that stayed are mainly looters and disorderly rioters (which you've probably already seen on the news), just about every area is under at least 2 feet and 13 in some, and the New Orleans government has always been the slowest to respond to any situation. As for the disclosure part, theyre gonna keep going with oil since in such high demand now (not that it never wasn't). Gas prices are 5 bucks a gallon in some places!

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 07:14 AM
USA is the biggest polluter in the world, the general scientific community believes the increasingly unstable weather seen the last years is becuase of global warming which is a side-affect of pollution. Perhaps this will make Bush finally sign the Koyoto agreement and reduce the US pollution.

[edit on 2-9-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 12:17 PM
The storm 'Katrina' is the first in what will be a series of MASSIVE STORMS to ravage the entire planet over the next 30 years. This 'change' in the weather pattern is not I REPEAT NOT, due to global warming, HAARP or any other un-natural phenomenon. As proof I quote the leading Hurricane predicter in the US - William Gray - University of Colorado.

"The last few years have been busy (with hurricanes), but the 1930s to 1960s were much more destructive (as measured by wind speeds) than the last 10 years," Landsea said. "That points to the conclusion (that) we're not seeing more destructive hurricanes. I wouldn't claim there's no global warming influence on (hurricane) activity, but I would agree that any such global- warming influence will be pretty small in the future."

The storm is not an unusual storm for this time of year, or in this time of the 30 year cycle of bad storms and then not so bad storms. The hurricane pattern is essentially 'normal', any 'perceived' connection between Global Warming and Hurricanes is simply stated HOGWASH.

Rising gas prices are a sign of HUMAN GREED, and will not help with the disclosure of any Alien/Government coverup. Nor will this disaster suddenly move our Government toward the sudden and rapid deployment of Alien Technology into the mainstream of America. I am nearly positive that technology (Alien technology) exists that could reduce the recovery efforts by 2-3000% (yes thousand percent!) (imagine all of the levees plugged permanently (CAT 7 proof), and all of the water gone in 24 hours - not 6 months, 24 hours), but with a startled, stunned public anxiously watching CNN, it's not likely that the Government would choose this opportunity to display this technology regardless of the suffering it could eliminate. The general public simply couldn't handle it (they didn't handle an earthbound storm very well did they!!).

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 01:54 PM
Agreed, this storm is not a direct result of global warming, but a storm that was bound to happen and has been warned about for decades. New Orleans is below sea level. Why is there such a surprise that a city that is below sea level is wiped out after a cat 4 hurricane came thru? It's pretty common sense. Engineers have been documented time and time again that the levees would not stand up to a cat 3 or higher hurricane for a LONG time.

Now onto the alien discussion. The gas prices will not have any affect on disclosure. I have said it a million times, no matter how bad things get in this world, the super powers will not disclose anything of their own will. Disclosure will only come from the ET beings themselves.

On that note, don't ya think now would be a good time for our "benevolent guardians" to swoop in and save the day?

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