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Israeli Outlaws In America - The Case Of Rafi Eitan

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posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 06:41 PM
Is Rafi Eitan in the United States and if so why hasn't the FBI arrested him?

Eitan is the former chief of Mossad operations in Europe and the man who recruited the U.S. Navy counter-intelligence specialist Jonathan Pollard to spy on the United States. As well, Eitan once headed the top-secret science and technology spy unit known as Leshkat Kesher Madao, or Lekem (supposedly dismantled following Pollard's bust).

According to Richard Sale (Pollard Recruiter Resurfaces in U.S., UPI, July 31, 2003) and federal law enforcement officials, "Eitan has, for the last year or so, been traveling to the United States on an Israeli passport, but using an alias."

This guy spied on the states and now he is living there. Why hasn't his arse been arrested? Oh!!! But he's from Israel, and we wouldn't want to brake our special friendship with them would we? That makes this a special case.


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