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It was an Oil Currency War

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posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 09:59 PM
The thing with any Russian testing of ICBMs out of nuclear powered subs is how drastically wrong they could go!

The failsafe mechanisms of the Cold War era, and the classic conversations between the Prez and Dmitri in Dr Strangelove, aren't just possible in the scenario of the fluoride-uncontaminated commie-hating General gone mad of the 60s creation.

Just who the hell IS in control of the football at the moment, and what counterpart has he got in the 'enemy' side?

BTW, if anyone has a chance to see Dr Strangelove again soon, tell me if you don't see a striking resemblance between the navigator of the one US plane that got through, and Vladimir Putin. I had to do a double take on that one.

Do not give your essence away to any women at this time.

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 10:05 PM

I have long been suspecting a Russian connection to OPEC, mainly because, as Skadi has been investigating, there has to be some kind of "big stick" to allow Saudi to give the US our walking papers.

I agree. Having lived in Riyadh for over 2 years, I got to see it first hand.... The Saudis were quite dependent on US involvement in many areas, as well as our allies (hell, the majority of utilities, doctors, teachers, etc. are from the US, Canada, and the UK...) Must be something mighty big indeed to suddenly cut that cord.....

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 08:56 AM
More info about yesterdays launch.

The missile, launched from the Sea of Okhotsk by the Pacific Fleet submarine Podolsk, hit the designated target at the navy's Chizha range on the Barents Sea coast in northern Russia some 6,000 kilometers away, the navy said in a statement carried by the Interfax-Military News Agency.

The Podolsk, a Delta III-class submarine, carries 16 R-29R missiles armed with multiple nuclear warheads, Itar-Tass reported.

R-29R Missles

I would think a test of nuke global power is a good bargining chip. Is their any things that Russia will be voting on that they would need to flex their nuke power for?

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 09:13 AM
Yeah,money missiles,boom or bust.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 09:28 AM
In America if two corperations did this it could be called a monopoly of a market.

Oil=cash cash=millitary millitary=POWER POWER=war

Russia, Saudi Arabia to Combat Terrorism:

"The international community faces international threats and challenges such as terrorism, and we must cooperate closely to resolve these problems," Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov
Russia is the world's SECOND largest oil exporter BEHIND Saudi Arabia, and the two nations signed an agreement Tuesday on cooperation in the oil and gas industry. The five-year deal called for "strengthening bilateral cooperation with the goal of ensuring stability in the global oil market" � phrasing that may suggest consorted action on production volume and prices. The agreement also envisaged joint ventures in oil and gas exploration.

sorry for all the quotes and links..... But it helps my point

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 09:34 AM
The legal system has a monopoly on law.
Doctors have a monopoly on medicine.
The power company that your computer is plugged into has a monopoly on the power you pay for,go see about shopping around for a cheaper rate on your electricity.Even if there were two choices,one of them would aquire the other...
Monopolies are fit and healthy in america,you just don't realise it.
The UN will be the biggest monopoly in the universe if it has it's way,One world government........

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 09:53 AM
Doctor, law firm and union monopolies are differnt. If doctors/law firms have a dispute/issues/greed they sue or charge more to get what they need. Or go on strike.

When millitary powers have oil disputes/issue/greed they apply strong force to get what they need or start a war.

Some monopolies help business, but world wide monoploies are seen as a threat to national security.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 12:28 PM
Yes, this is exactly the link I have been looking for. I suspected Russia above all. given that China probably wouldnt dare.

Thank you Fry, you just answered quite a few questions directly and indirectly related.

The big stick would be Russia. Russia is courting itself as the new sugar daddy for the Saudis. With the Russians in bed with them, theres the big stick. The only way Saudi would defy us is if they had a counter threat to the Americans.

This is getting really UGLY. Thanks to Bush, now the whole world, our enemies, are going to turn against us. Even a new president couldnt break the current cycle, it seems its too late. Were gonna have to become isolationist whether we like it or not.

Our enemies, the EU, Russia, Middle east, ect. are all working to destroy the US, through quiet non warfare tactics. This could ruin us, because it will start dominoeing. Great.

A good question about the football, Masked. If an idiot like me sees the clear danger of what Bush is getting us into, then someone within the beltway sees even more...perhaps some one knows what Bush has done, and took the football from him? Or, if the football does not mean the nuke package...the football has been intercepted? Meaning Russia has it now?

The OPEC vote is in a few days.........this is REALLY worrisome.

Isolationism, people. I cannot stress the need for it enough. If we are to survive free on foreign tinkering and enslavement through finances, we need it, and we need it NOW.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 02:28 PM
Where/when is the OPEC meeting and who attends?

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 10:35 AM
I thought it was Sept. 7th, and of course, all OPEC nations... I'll try and verify that with a link, or someone else can...

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 10:44 AM
Actually, the next scheduled OPEC meeting seems to be the 24th...

"September 24, 2003: OPEC will hold its 127th meeting to review oil markets in Vienna, Austria."

But I could have sworn there was one for the 7th....

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