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Grenada Sought Official United Nations UFO Investigation in 1977 (I wonder how that played out.)

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posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 02:28 PM
As everyone knows, President Carter once reported a UFO and (like President Clinton and John Podesta now) worked to get more information released to the public on the UFO phenomenon. But they got nowhere due to stonewalling such as then CIA Director George HW Bush's comments to President Carter, you aren't cleared for that information Mr. President [Something like that anyway, saw the video of that Carter interview long ago].

What I didn't know (until seeing a show last night on the international response to perceived UFO threats) was about the contributions of a little known player during Carter's time, Grenada, known mostly for being invaded by Reagan a few years later.

UFO Briefing Document: International Agreements and Resolutions - United Nations

Summary: In the mid-1970s, the Prime Minister of the new member state of Grenada, Sir Eric Gairy, began a lobbying initiative to incorporate the UFO problem in the United Nations agenda. Prime Minister Gairy and UN Ambassador Wellington Friday raised the UFO issue at a meeting of the thirty-second General Assembly Special Political Committee on November 28, 1977.

I had known about the massive sightings in Belgium leading eventually to the French published, international effort of COMETA, but I just found out about the Grenada efforts to get the United Nations officially involved in UFO investigation... and found the whole thing, uh, timely... given the 1983 "coup" and subsequent Reagan "liberation."

[The UN eventually concluded it] would permit Grenada "to present its views" in 1979 and the Committee's deliberation would be included in its report to the thirty-fourth General Assembly. The Grenada initiative was gradually opening the door to UFO cooperative international investigation, but unfortunately the effort came to an abrupt halt when the Gairy government was overthrown by a Marxist revolution led by Maurice Bishop. The new government launched a publicity campaign to discredit Gairy as a believer in voodoo and flying saucers. Decision 33/426 was never implemented, but its mere existence provides a useful framework for any future initiative on the matter.

So Marxists stopped the international UFO cooperative. Marxists.
Thank God it wasn't nihilists. They can leave a real sting.

Look, don't pick on me. I'm not paranoid. I'm observant. I don't care if you like Reagan. I don't trust former CIA Director George Herbert Walker Bush. I don't trust the military industrial complex. And this isn't political sniping, but I don't understand why the past two democratic Presidents openly addressed the UFO phenom, why Bill Richardson still does, why all the rest of the civilized world does, and aside from off handed comments by Reagan, why no Republican official will even address it.

[edit on 30-8-2005 by RANT]

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by RANT
but I just found out about the Grenada efforts to get the United Nations officially involved in UFO investigation... and found the whole thing, uh, timely... given the 1983 "coup" and subsequent Reagan "liberation."

I just heard that to last night on HC, but did not make the connection to the invasion till you mentioned it. Nice find.

I don't understand why the past two democratic Presidents openly addressed the UFO phenom, why Bill Richardson still does, why all the rest of the civilized world does, and aside from off handed comments by Reagan, why no Republican official will even address it.

There is a definite connection between UFO government cover-up and the MIC and the Republican Party. It is an obvious pattern throughout the presidential history since WW2, except for LBJ who IMHO was a republican in democrats clothing. I'm also not trying to be anti-republican, that's just the way it is.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 06:25 PM
Thanks you Hal9000 for at least the validation I'm not seeing spots where I think I see dots.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 08:57 AM
You may already know about this site, but it has some interesting info on how different presidents handled or hindered the UFO phenom.

I like the UFO cartoons myself.

I think the invasion of Grenada is worth looking into, but don't have time right now, and don't know much about it. I would be interested in finding out if Marxists were really behind the coup. If there is any connection to the CIA or something. Could be something to it.

It's funny how a good thread like this doesn't draw much attention. You should have mentioned reptilians, you would have got more hits.

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