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Peggy Kane - Reverse Recordings

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posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 07:11 AM
Can someone link me to the Sherry Shiner interviewing Peggy Kane , its about 2 hours I think ....

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 07:18 AM
Sherry's archives

Just scroll down - it's June 25th or thereabouts

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 07:43 AM
Sherry - Reverse Speech Researcher Peggy Kane on Hidden Messages and reverse speech on Prophet Yahweh

First Hour

Second Hour


posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 07:52 AM
Even though my custom title says anti-skeptic listen to this woman made me feel embarrassed for her. Some things can sort of be made out but most of what # said is so reaching it to me shows that she is a total phony.

Let me guess she has a site in which you have to pay to get her recordings?

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 11:59 PM
WhiteDragon, a bit belated perhaps, but thanks for answering my question.

I take this whole topic as an example that no matter how bad an idea may be, no matter how many times it is disproven, it will never, ever, go away.

It seems to me that if this were valid then for any one set of words there could be one, and only one, reverse speech interpretation. This does not seem to be the case, different people quite often do hear entirely different 'words' when things are played backward.

Since sound is sound, no matter if it is forward or backward, then for this to work people would have to pick entirely different words depending on the real truth in their thoughts. So that means if my wife asks me 'Does this dress make me look fat' I would have to give two entirely different responses depending on wether or not I thought it did.

The truth is no matter if I think it does or does not, I still give the same response 'No dear it looks fine'.

I am reminded of something Bill Hicks once said:

"If you are sitting around playing records backwards looking for satanic messages... you are Satan, and need'nt look any further."


posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 01:51 AM

WhiteDragon, a bit belated perhaps, but thanks for answering my question.

No problem there Alex.

Just to set things straight, I myself don't really believe in this reverse speech stuff but I like to keep an open mind (if there's a mind in there at all)

True sound is sound and words are words. But how you emphasize any given syllable could change the sound of the word when it is reversed.

'Does this dress make me look fat' .......I still give the same response 'No dear it looks fine'.

Ugh! I hate that question!
But the thing is you have probably already trained the mind to go blank with that question. It's a rehearsed answer. If it were a question that was out of the blue, the mind needs to think out the answer before putting it out to speech.

Just throwing some ideas out there.

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 11:39 AM
I felt from the first that this concept is just wrong. That example I used is but one of many.

But if you extend what you said about my example that would mean that any accomplished liar would not give away the truth when they spoke. In my experience those who lie about things of significance do not think about the truth as they speak. It is best to attempt to believe what you are saying as much as possible to sound convinceing.

So we are already beginning to whittle away at the concept, and with time I think we will come up with more 'exceptions'. Eventually we will have enough of them to totally invalidate the 'reverse speech' idea completely.


posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by gamerman

Is there any chance you could please post this brillant interview so i can download it.


posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 04:36 AM
I have tried this... and it works... best results is tape of a baby crying... and you can hear them calling out..mama or dada... in reverse .Pretty interesting stuff if its only just sound. I suggest give it a try.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 07:59 AM

She's a professional in reverse speech.

There's the problem right there. What university does one go to to get these sort of qualifications. And I presume, being a "professional" she makes a living out of this stuff?

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 08:02 AM
I *actually* watched this about a year ago..yes peggy,when i die im going to be eaten,chased and raped by big lizard men until the pleaidians come in ships to save take some nice oxycodone..nice peggy...nice.. *pats peggy*..

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Carpenter

Dinosaurs ruled the world for almost 200 million years. Humans evolved from "rats" in only 5 million years. It is entirely possible that sentient dinosaurs evolved during the age of dinosaurs.

Why are they hidden? Perhaps some extra terrestrials or other terrestrials didn't like them and tried to exterminate them? Perhaps they stay hidden out of fear of extermination by these or other forces? Perhaps humans are "free range" (better quality under the illusion of freedom) food for these "reptilians"? Perhaps they are so advanced they somehow feed on human life "energy" instead of or in addition to physically consuming humans.

Why have we not found any ruins? We have, the evidence is simply suppressed.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 05:05 PM
I listened to my own speech backwards on a whim to see if there was anything there. Maybe I'm just not good at forcing patterns out of reversed speech, but all it sound like to me was stuff played backwards. There were unfortunately no nuggets of wisdom, just gibberish. And 'umm' sounds funny backwards.

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