posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 11:59 PM
WhiteDragon, a bit belated perhaps, but thanks for answering my question.
I take this whole topic as an example that no matter how bad an idea may be, no matter how many times it is disproven, it will never, ever, go
It seems to me that if this were valid then for any one set of words there could be one, and only one, reverse speech interpretation. This does not
seem to be the case, different people quite often do hear entirely different 'words' when things are played backward.
Since sound is sound, no matter if it is forward or backward, then for this to work people would have to pick entirely different words depending on
the real truth in their thoughts. So that means if my wife asks me 'Does this dress make me look fat' I would have to give two entirely different
responses depending on wether or not I thought it did.
The truth is no matter if I think it does or does not, I still give the same response 'No dear it looks fine'.
I am reminded of something Bill Hicks once said:
"If you are sitting around playing records backwards looking for satanic messages... you are Satan, and need'nt look any further."